Religion, r 😃 ⭕️#
Y’already know!
– Tyrone

Fig. 39 Geopolitics: Resources, Needs, Costs, Supply, Demand. Everyone is talking about “Chinese efficiency” but the reality is more like “American corporate inefficiency”. What mattered most to Big Tech was not the AI product itself, but the fact that it kept their wallstreet ponzi scheme going. The skyrocketing stocks, the billions in government funds, the gradual tech dystopia they were creating. Those were the features, not the flaws and bugs.#
Career and political appointees (α) in the Executive Branch have a duty to align (y) Federal spending and action (-c) with the will of the American people (Xβ) as expressed through Presidential priorities (r)
– Errand Boy
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Dante Alighieri. The Divine Comedy: Volume 1: Inferno. Penguin Classics, 1984. URL:
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Dante Alighieri. The Divine Comedy: Volume 2: Purgatorio. Penguin Classics, 1984. URL:
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Dante Alighieri. The Divine Comedy: Volume 3: Paradiso. Penguin Classics, 1984. URL:
Theomarchy & Principalities (Resources, Cosmology-Geology), y (odds)
Fixed: Coin toss, Dice roll, Roulette spin
Inheritence: Immutable laws & resources
Code: Costs, Supply, Demand
Mortals & Workers (Needs, Biology-Ecology), -c (folks)
Wild: Poker, Workers & Kapital, Cost
Fikre & Double-Agents (Costs, Sociology-Psychology), α (counterfactual)
Long: Horse & F1 racing, Jokeys & Lewis Hamilton
Twice-as-fast to be ahead
Parallel processing, Nvidia chips (restrict to principality)
Gamified Exchanges (Supply, Economics-Finance), Xβ (naysayers)
Iterative: Run fast-and-faster just to remain in same place
Portfolio theory of beta, Red Queen through a looking glass
Weaponize, Tokenize, Monopolize supply-chain of Nvidia chips
Victory & Improvement (Demand, Philosophy-Theology), r (quick bad news)
Collapsed: Stable heirarchy in short run (ie twice as fast, ahead)
High on own supply: much wealth & peace is th’impostume that inward breaks silicon valley
Meanwhile, other players in principality gain from local ecosystem
Unveiled resentment in other principalities: think, China
Transvaluation of their values, wielding a hammer, and unleashing DeepSeek