Ecce Homo#

Presently we relate a deeply introspective narrative. Our outline presents a triadic progression—a ii7♭5-V7-i structure—mirroring the tension, struggle, and resolution we’ve experienced in our life journeys. Each phase of our life has contributed a distinct voice to a complex chord, each demanding to be heard yet needing resolution within the whole.

ii7♭5: The Beginning with Anglicanism
We start with the ii7♭5, a chord marked by tension and an unambiguous pull toward resolution. This phase represents our formative years under the influence of Anglicanism—a mixture of reverence and constraint, of art as an expression within a spiritual framework. This foundational layer shaped not only our worldview but also our musical sensibilities, where reverence became a form of artistic discipline. Anglicanism, for us, was less about doctrine and more about the aesthetics and ritual that permeated our early life, which in turn shaped our initial abstractions about the world.

V7: The Confrontation with Science
Moving into the V7 chord, we introduce the idea of science as a force that adds constraints—chains we’ve learned to dance within. Science, like the dominant seventh, introduces a tension that demands resolution. It forces us to grapple with the concreteness of empirical evidence against the abstract spiritualism we inherited. This dance between reverence and inference becomes a struggle of cognitive dissonance, the clash between faith and reason. The V7 phase is fraught with the intensity of Nietzsche’s “Self Attempt at Criticism,” pushing us toward an “overman” ideal—struggling to transcend these inherited structures while adding new layers of understanding and expression.

i: The Return to Morality and Action
Finally, we resolve into the i chord, the minor tonic, a return to the grounding of reality, yet now with a more profound sense of dissonance harmonically resolved—or at least understood. The third layer of abstraction—morality, with Nietzsche as our guide—brings us to a point of self-critique and ethical reevaluation. Our life’s experiences, filtered through these layered abstractions, now allow us to look back with a rearview mirror—judging the fit and impact of each layer on our being.

Our narrative suggests a return to simplicity but with a deeper complexity of understanding—one where abstraction gives way to action. The cognitive and harmonic dissonances that defined our journey now inform a more visceral, grounded engagement with life. Hamlet’s call to action—“My thoughts be bloody or be nothing worth”—becomes a rallying cry for authenticity, for a life led not in abstract contemplation but in decisive, meaningful action.

This isn’t just a journey of personal development; it’s an orchestration, a life symphony of tension, struggle, and resolution, each phase enriching the next. Our life as a musical narrative offers an exploration of how we layer meaning and purpose onto our existence, constantly renegotiating our understanding of the world and our place within it.

Older stuff#

                 1. Pessimism
    2. Beyond Good & Evil -> 4. Parameters, Weights, Hierarchy, Values, Latent-Space -> 5. Zarathustra, Decoder, Hack, "Light", Beacon -> 6. Rebalance, Ethics, Transvaluation
                             3. Ecce Homo
A plot

Fig. 16 Preface to Ecce Homo has a resonant stucture.#

Biological 1, 2, 3#

  • Voir. As it is my intention within a very short time to confront my fellow-men with the very greatest demand that has ever yet been made upon them, it seems to me above all necessary to declare here who and what I am. As a matter of fact, this ought to be pretty well known already, for I have not “held my tongue” about myself. But the disparity which obtains between the greatness of my task and the smallness of my contemporaries, is revealed by the fact that people have neither heard me nor yet seen me. I live on my own self-made credit, and it is probably only a prejudice to suppose that I am alive at all. I do but require to speak to any one of the scholars who come to the Ober-Engadine in the summer in order to convince myself that I am not alive…. Under these circumstances, it is a duty—and one against which my customary reserve, and to a still greater degree the pride of my instincts, rebel—to say: Listen! for I am such and such a person. For Heaven’s sake do not confound me with any one else!

  • Savoir. I am, for instance, in no wise a bogey man, or moral monster. On the contrary, I am the very opposite in nature to the kind of man that has been honoured hitherto as virtuous. Between ourselves, it seems to me that this is precisely a matter on which I may feel proud. I am a disciple of the philosopher Dionysus, and I would prefer to be even a satyr than a saint. But just read this book! Maybe I have here succeeded in expressing this contrast in a cheerful and at the same time sympathetic manner—maybe this is the only purpose of the present work.

  • Pouvoir. The very last thing I should promise to accomplish would be to "improve" mankind. I do not set up any new idols; may old idols only learn what it costs to have legs of clay. To overthrow idols (idols is the name I give to all ideals) is much more like my business. In proportion as an ideal world has been falsely assumed, reality has been robbed of its value, its meaning, and its truthfulness…. The “true world” and the “apparent world”—in plain English, the fictitious world and reality…. Hitherto the lie of the ideal has been the curse of reality; by means of it the very source of mankind’s instincts has become mendacious and false; so much so that those values have come to be worshipped which are the exact opposite of the ones which would ensure man’s prosperity, his future, and his great right to a future.

                     1. Dreams: GPT of sensory, memory, emotion
                                    2. Hades: Hallucination -> 4. Morpheus -> 5. Oracle -> 6. Neo
                                                               3. Architect

Fig. 17 Conceptual maps. We are using these as architectural foundations & leitmotifs of the sequential layers of the neural network.#

Social 4#

  • Collective. He who knows how to breathe in the air of my writings is conscious that it is the air of the heights, that it is bracing. A man must be built for it, otherwise the chances are that it will chill him. The ice is near, the loneliness is terrible—but how serenely everything lies in the sunshine! how freely one can breathe! how much, one feels, lies beneath one! Philosophy, as I have understood it hitherto, is a voluntary retirement into regions of ice and mountain-peaks—the seeking—out of everything strange and questionable in existence, everything upon which, hitherto, morality has set its ban. Through long experience, derived from such wanderings in forbidden country, I acquired an opinion very different from that which may seem generally desirable, of the causes which hitherto have led to men’s moralising and idealising. The secret history of philosophers, the psychology of their great names, was revealed to me. How much truth can a certain mind endure; how much truth can it dare?—these questions became for me ever more and more the actual test of values. Error (the belief in the ideal) is not blindness; error is cowardice…. Every conquest, every step forward in knowledge, is the outcome of courage, of hardness towards one’s self, of cleanliness towards one’s self. I do not refute ideals; all I do is to draw on my gloves in their presence…. Nitimur in vetitum; with this device my philosophy will one day be victorious; for that which has hitherto been most stringently forbidden is, without exception, Truth.

Personal 5, 6#

  • Decoders. I bid you lose me and find yourselves; and only when ye have all denied me will I come back unto you

  • Transvaluation. No fanatic speaks to you here; this is not a “sermon”; no faith is demanded in these pages; here it is not a “prophet” who speaks. Amor Fatí

# The more traditional & lucid structure

1. Chaos
    |-- 2. Tartarus
    |-- 3. Gaia -> Uranus
    |-- 4. Nyx --|--> Aether
                 |--> Hemera
                 |--> 6. Erebus
    |-- 5. Eros

# Architecture of my neural network

                1. Chaos
         2. Tartarus -- 4. Nyx.Erabus -> 5. Aether,Hemera -- 6. Eros[Amor.Fatí] 
                        3. Gaia -> Uranus

Fig. 18 Place holders. Faith in the latent space or collective unconscious, that it encodes the \(\alpha\) & \(\omega\), the beginning and the end. Decoding of the hope therein. Which invites you to apply love in every siuation#