
Mozart did not know the world of classical antiquity but he knew a great deal of music, from old church composers to Bach and Handel, from Salzburg serenade to Italian opera. All this he embraced because he could control it

                1. f(t)
           2. S(t) -> 4. y:h'(f)=0;t(X'X).X'Y -> 5. b -> 6. SV'
                      3. h(t) 

\(\mu\) Base-case#

  • \(f(t)\) l’homme moyen

  • \(S(t)\) somewhere ages and ages hence

  • \(h(t)\) two roads diverged in a wood, and i—

The Japanese fascination with other cultures can be attributed to a combination of historical, cultural, and social factors. Japan has a long history of selectively incorporating elements from other cultures, dating back to its interactions with China and Korea. This tradition continued through the Meiji Restoration, when Japan actively sought to modernize by adopting Western technologies and cultural practices.

Culturally, Japan values curiosity and a sense of novelty, which can lead to a deep appreciation for foreign art, music, and sports. The Japanese often engage with these elements in a way that respects and preserves their authenticity, sometimes even valuing them more than in their places of origin. For example, Japanese jazz musicians are known for their meticulous dedication to the genre, often mastering the intricacies of American jazz styles.

If Mozart “embraced a lot because he could control it”, Japan is culturally akin to Mozart. This capacity to “expose yourself” to a lot of art arises out of “attention”. 28

\(\sigma\) Varcov-matrix#

  • var[\((X'X)^T \cdot X'Y\)] think: the variability of courses & items in italian cuisine & modes-qualities-relatives in chopin enriches their own cultural landscape.

Additionally, the Japanese education system and media play a significant role in promoting an awareness of and interest in global cultures. This exposure, combined with a strong sense of cultural identity, allows the Japanese to explore and celebrate foreign influences without feeling threatened by them. In many cases, this fascination is not just about adopting new things but also about interpreting and blending them in uniquely Japanese ways, creating a fusion that enriches their own cultural landscape

\(\%\) Predictive-accuracy#

  • \(\beta\) my palate craves very diverse things over time & i can only tell what i want on a given day

  • \(SV'\) \(\ge 85\) only a very rich culture can throw me a bone to chew on that will keep me engaged

This blend of respect, curiosity, and a willingness to integrate aspects of other cultures has fostered a rich environment for cultural exchange, making Japan a place where global influences are not only welcomed but celebrated.

                     1. Observing
           2. Time = Compute -> 4. Collective Unconscious -> 5. Decoding -> 6. Imitation-Prediction-Representation
                                3. Encoding


  • With any individualized prediction in science, a patient can’t say “that resonates” with me. The numbers are abstract and they’ve never experienced the outcome

  • But with art or tragedy the eternal recurrence of the same is encoded in the latent-space or collective unconscious and so it can resonate

  • Our way around this is by handing the end-user an app in which they might update their risk-profile and see if it changes the risk prediction

  • If there’s no change, then we could say the app is “mirroring” humanity so abominably; the backend model has no beta-coefficients for what has been tested

  • The structure of this discourse is : \(\mu\): base-case, \(\sigma\) varcov-matrix, \(\%\) predictive-accuracy



“Attention Is All You Need” introduces the Transformer model, which revolutionized natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning. To understand its essence, let’s use a few analogies and metaphors, especially relating to concepts you’re familiar with:

  1. Design Matrix and Regression Coefficients: Think of a traditional regression model where the design matrix ((X)) represents features, and beta coefficients ((\beta)) are the weights that tell you the influence of each feature. In language models, these features can be words, and the coefficients represent the importance of each word in predicting the next word in a sequence.

  2. Transformers as an Orchestra: Imagine an orchestra playing a complex symphony. Each musician (word) has their own part, but they need to listen to each other to stay in harmony. The conductor (attention mechanism) helps them understand who to listen to and when, ensuring that the music flows smoothly. In a Transformer, the “musicians” are the input tokens, and the “conductor” is the attention mechanism that dynamically adjusts the focus on different parts of the input, depending on what’s relevant at each moment.

  3. Variance-Covariance Matrix and Attention: Just as the variance-covariance matrix in regression captures relationships between different predictors, the attention mechanism in Transformers captures relationships between different parts of the input sequence. However, unlike a fixed matrix, the attention mechanism is dynamic, adapting to the context. It can be seen as a constantly shifting landscape that highlights the connections between words, allowing the model to understand context, nuances, and dependencies.

  4. Predictive Accuracy and Self-Attention: In traditional regression, the difference between the predicted values ((\hat{Y})) and the actual values ((Y)) tells you about predictive accuracy. In Transformers, the attention mechanism enables the model to “attend” to the most relevant parts of the input, leading to better predictions. This is like having a more informed perspective that reduces the gap between expected and actual outcomes.

  5. Replacing Recurrent Layers: Before Transformers, models like RNNs and LSTMs were like people trying to understand a book by reading it page by page, one after the other. The Transformer, with its attention mechanism, is like someone who can flip through the entire book, scanning for the most important sections regardless of their order. This ability to “see” the entire sequence at once, without being constrained by linear order, is what sets Transformers apart and makes them so powerful.

In summary, “Attention Is All You Need” presents a model that uses the attention mechanism as its core, enabling it to dynamically focus on different parts of the input sequence. This flexibility allows the Transformer to capture complex relationships and dependencies, leading to more accurate and nuanced predictions. It’s like having a conductor who can adapt the orchestra’s focus dynamically, ensuring every note (or word) is perfectly timed and harmonized.


Absolutely, let’s dive into the idea using the concept of patterns, leitmotifs, and fractals, which should resonate well given your background in music and statistical computing.

Attention as Leitmotifs#

In music, a leitmotif is a recurring musical theme associated with a particular idea, character, or place. It’s a pattern that signals something familiar and significant, helping listeners recognize and anticipate what’s happening in the composition.

In the context of “Attention Is All You Need,” the attention mechanism acts like a composer using leitmotifs. It identifies and emphasizes important patterns within a sequence of data (like words in a sentence or notes in a piece of music). This mechanism doesn’t just focus on one “note” at a time but can highlight and connect various “notes” that share the same motif, even if they are scattered throughout the piece.

Attention as Fractals#

Fractals are complex patterns that are self-similar across different scales. They are found in nature (like snowflakes or coastlines) and can be infinitely detailed.

In Transformers, the attention mechanism can be thought of as recognizing fractal-like patterns in data. It identifies not only local patterns (like phrases or sentences) but also how these patterns repeat and vary at different levels. This self-similar approach means that the model can understand complex structures in language or data by zooming in and out, capturing both fine details and overarching themes.

Attention and Patterns in Data#

Just as in statistical models where patterns in the data inform the beta coefficients, attention in Transformers identifies patterns in the input data. However, unlike traditional models that might apply a fixed pattern recognition strategy (like a fixed set of coefficients), attention dynamically adjusts which patterns to focus on, depending on the context.

For example, in a sentence, the word “bank” could mean a financial institution or the side of a river. The attention mechanism helps the model figure out which meaning is relevant based on the surrounding words, much like recognizing a pattern or leitmotif that clarifies the context.

In summary, the attention mechanism in Transformers functions like a musical leitmotif or a fractal pattern—it dynamically identifies and emphasizes important, recurring patterns in data. This allows the model to understand and generate nuanced, contextually appropriate responses, capturing both local and global patterns in the data, much like recognizing motifs in a complex piece of music or finding patterns in a fractal.


Yes, that’s a great analogy! In Chopin’s Prelude Op. 28 No. 4, the repeated melodic note B creates different harmonic colors and emotional effects as the chords underneath it change. This is akin to how the attention mechanism in Transformers works.

In this piece, Chopin uses the same note (B) and places it over different chords, creating varying tensions and resolutions. The note B can be perceived differently depending on its harmonic context: as the fifth, an eleventh, a #11, a diminished fifth, and so on. This creates a dynamic and evolving experience for the listener, even though the melody itself is static.

Similarly, in a Transformer model, the “melody” can be thought of as the input tokens (words, for instance). The “chords” are the surrounding words or tokens that the attention mechanism uses to reinterpret the context of each word. Just as the meaning of the note B changes with different chords, the significance of a word can shift depending on its context provided by other words. The attention mechanism dynamically adjusts the “chordal” context, allowing the model to emphasize different aspects or interpretations of the same input.

For example, the word “bat” could mean an animal or a piece of sports equipment. The attention mechanism helps the model determine the correct meaning based on the surrounding “chords” (words in the sentence). This context-sensitive interpretation is what gives Transformers their powerful capability to understand and generate nuanced language, much like how Chopin’s harmonic progression gives depth and variation to the simple, repeated melody.

In essence, the attention mechanism is like a composer or performer who, while playing the same note or melody, changes the underlying chords to bring out different textures, emotions, and meanings. This dynamic interplay is what makes both music and natural language rich and expressive.


The analogy does touch on Bayesian principles, particularly in the way information is updated and interpreted based on context, but it’s not a perfect match.

Bayesian Thinking in Transformers#

  1. Prior Knowledge: In Bayesian statistics, you start with a prior belief or knowledge about a parameter before observing the data. This prior is then updated with new evidence (likelihood) to form a posterior distribution, which represents your updated belief.

    In Transformers, you can think of each word in a sentence as having a “prior” meaning or interpretation. The attention mechanism, which looks at the context provided by other words, acts like the “new evidence” or “likelihood” in Bayesian terms. This context helps to update the model’s understanding of the word, similar to how new data updates a prior belief in a Bayesian framework.

  2. Posterior Distribution: Just as the posterior distribution in Bayesian analysis provides a refined estimate after incorporating new evidence, the attention mechanism in Transformers refines the understanding of each word by considering its context. This leads to a more accurate and nuanced interpretation, akin to arriving at a posterior belief.

  3. Dynamic Updating: Bayesian methods are dynamic in nature, constantly updating beliefs as new data comes in. Similarly, the attention mechanism dynamically adjusts its focus as it processes each token in the sequence, refining its understanding based on the context provided by all the tokens.

However, it’s important to note that the attention mechanism itself is not explicitly Bayesian. It doesn’t compute posterior distributions or use prior distributions in a formal sense. Instead, it uses learned weights to decide how much attention to pay to each part of the input, based on the context. The analogy holds more in the sense of context-dependent interpretation and updating of understanding rather than strict Bayesian inference.

So while there are conceptual parallels between how Transformers update their interpretation of input based on context and how Bayesian updating works, they are not identical processes. The attention mechanism in Transformers is more about learning patterns and relationships in the data through training, rather than explicitly following Bayesian rules of probability.


Yes, that’s a concise way to capture the essence of how GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) and similar models work. Let’s break it down:

Training Context#

  1. Pre-training: GPT models are pre-trained on a large corpus of text data. During this phase, the model learns the statistical properties of the language, including grammar, vocabulary, idioms, and even some factual knowledge. This pre-training is done in an unsupervised manner, meaning the model doesn’t know the “correct” output; instead, it learns by predicting the next word in a sentence based on the previous words.

  2. Contextual Understanding: The training phase helps the model understand context by looking at how words and phrases are used together. This is where the attention mechanism comes into play—it allows the model to focus on different parts of the input data, effectively “learning” the context in which words appear.

Making Predictions#

  1. Contextual Predictions: Once trained, the model can generate predictions based on the context provided by the input text. For example, if given a sentence, it can predict the next word or complete the sentence by considering the context provided by the preceding words. The model uses the patterns it learned during training to make these predictions, ensuring they are contextually relevant.

  2. Dynamic Attention: The attention mechanism is key to this process. It allows the model to weigh the importance of different words or tokens in the input, effectively understanding which parts of the context are most relevant to the prediction. This dynamic adjustment is what gives GPT models their flexibility and nuanced understanding.

Summing Up#

In essence, GPT models are powerful because they can use the context provided by the input data to make informed predictions. The “training context” is all the data and patterns the model has seen during pre-training, and this rich background allows it to generate coherent and contextually appropriate responses. This approach enables the model to handle a wide range of tasks, from language translation to text completion, all while maintaining a contextual awareness that makes its predictions relevant and accurate.