
Sure! Here is a remote script that will clone the repository from GitHub and then move the cloned directory to a new name:


# Step 1: Clone the repository
git clone

# Step 2: Move the cloned directory to 'multilingual'
mv scripts multilingual

To run this script remotely, you can save it to a file, for example,, in a repository or a remote location accessible via URL. Here is how you can do this using GitHub Gist or any similar service. For the sake of example, I’ll assume you’ve saved the script to a GitHub Gist at

Running the Remote Script#

  1. Using curl with bash:

    curl -s | bash
  2. Using wget with bash:

    wget -qO- | bash

Full Example Script#

Here is the complete script to be hosted remotely:


# Clone the repository
git clone

# Move the cloned directory to 'multilingual'
mv scripts multilingual

Steps to Host the Script Remotely#

  1. Save the above script to a file named

  2. Upload to a GitHub Gist, your own repository, or any other web-accessible location.

  3. Use the provided curl or wget command to run it remotely.

By following these steps, you can easily execute the tasks remotely without manual intervention.