

source "/Users/d/Dropbox (Personal)/1f.ἡἔρις,κ/1.ontology/myenv/bin/activate"
(myenv) (base) d@Poseidon 1.ontology % 


d@Poseidon 1.ontology % ls -l
total 16
-rw-r--r--@   1 d  staff   936 Aug 21 02:00 README.md
drwxr-xr-x@  23 d  staff   736 Aug 15 16:25 alpha
drwxr-xr-x@  35 d  staff  1120 Aug 21 02:32 bloc
drwxr-xr-x@   9 d  staff   288 Aug 21 12:45 cst
drwxr-xr-x@  16 d  staff   512 Aug 21 03:00 git
drwxr-xr-x@  17 d  staff   544 Aug  7 22:35 git-filter-repo
drwxr-xr-x@   7 d  staff   224 Aug  6 07:33 myenv
drwxr-xr-x@  13 d  staff   416 Aug 14 18:53 nh_projectbeta
-rw-r--r--@   1 d  staff   633 Aug  6 02:34 populate_be.ipynb
drwxr-xr-x@  13 d  staff   416 Aug 15 02:12 seasons_projectalpha
drwxr-xr-x@  13 d  staff   416 Aug 17 14:05 sibs
drwxr-xr-x@ 139 d  staff  4448 Jun 25 08:29 summer
drwxr-xr-x@  25 d  staff   800 Jul 20 20:21 verano



# Check if required commands are available
for cmd in git ssh-keygen jb ghp-import; do
  if ! command -v $cmd &> /dev/null; then
    echo "Error: $cmd is not installed."
    exit 1

# Input information
read -p "Enter your GitHub username: " GITHUB_USERNAME
read -p "Enter your GitHub repository name: " REPO_NAME
read -p "Enter your email address: " EMAIL_ADDRESS
read -p "Enter your root directory (e.g., ~/Dropbox/1f.ἡἔρις,κ/1.ontology): " ROOT_DIR
read -p "Enter the name of the subdirectory to be created within the root directory: " SUBDIR_NAME
read -p "Enter the name of the populate_be.ipynb file in ROOT_DIR: " POPULATE_BE
read -p "Enter your git commit message: " GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE
read -p "Enter the number of acts: " NUMBER_OF_ACTS
read -p "Enter the number of files per act: " NUMBER_OF_FILES_PER_ACT
read -p "Enter the number of sub-files per file: " NUMBER_OF_SUB_FILES_PER_FILE
read -p "Enter the number of notebooks: " NUMBER_OF_NOTEBOOKS

# Set up directories and paths
git config --local user.name "$GITHUB_USERNAME"
git config --local user.email "$EMAIL_ADDRESS"
cd $(eval echo $ROOT_DIR)
rm -rf $REPO_NAME
mkdir -p $SUBDIR_NAME
cp $POPULATE_BE $SUBDIR_NAME/intro.ipynb

# Check if SSH keys already exist, and if not, generate a new one
rm -rf $SSH_KEY_PATH*
if [ ! -f "$SSH_KEY_PATH" ]; then
  ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "$EMAIL_ADDRESS" -f $SSH_KEY_PATH

cat ${SSH_KEY_PATH}.pub
echo "Please manually add the above SSH public key to your GitHub account's SSH keys."
read -p "Once you have added the SSH key to your GitHub account, press Enter to continue..."
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add --apple-use-keychain $SSH_KEY_PATH

# Create _toc.yml file
echo "format: jb-book" > $toc_file
echo "root: intro.ipynb" >> $toc_file # Make sure this file exists
echo "title: Play" >> $toc_file
echo "parts:" >> $toc_file

# Iterate through the acts, files per act, and sub-files per file
for ((i=0; i<$NUMBER_OF_ACTS; i++)); do
  mkdir -p "act_${i}"
  echo "  - caption: Part $(($i + 1))" >> $toc_file
  echo "    chapters:" >> $toc_file
  for ((j=0; j<$NUMBER_OF_FILES_PER_ACT; j++)); do
    mkdir -p "act_${i}/act_${i}_${j}"
    for ((k=0; k<$NUMBER_OF_SUB_FILES_PER_FILE; k++)); do
      mkdir -p "act_${i}/act_${i}_${j}/act_${i}_${j}_${k}"
      for ((n=1; n<=$NUMBER_OF_NOTEBOOKS; n++)); do
        touch "$new_file"
        cp "intro.ipynb" "$new_file" # This line copies the content into the new file
        echo "      - file: $new_file" >> $toc_file

# Create _config.yml file
echo "title: Your Book Title" > $config_file
echo "copyright: Mwaka" > $config_file
echo "author: Your Name" >> $config_file
echo "logo: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jhutrc/jhutrc.github.io/main/hub_and_spoke.jpg" >> $config_file

# Build the book with Jupyter Book
cd ..
jb build $SUBDIR_NAME
git clone "https://github.com/$GITHUB_USERNAME/$REPO_NAME"
git add ./*
git commit -m "$GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE"
chmod 600 $SSH_KEY_PATH

# Configure the remote URL with SSH
git remote set-url origin "git@github.com:$GITHUB_USERNAME/$REPO_NAME"

# Push changes
git push -u origin main
ghp-import -n -p -f _build/html
rm -rf $REPO_NAME
echo "Jupyter Book content updated and pushed to $GITHUB_USERNAME/$REPO_NAME repository!"


The script will create a directory structure for a Jupyter Book (using the jb command) inside a given root directory. The structure will consist of a nested hierarchy of acts, files per act, and sub-files per file. Based on the provided script, here’s the directory structure that will be created:

│   ├── intro.ipynb
│   ├── act_0/
│   │   ├── act_0_0/
│   │   │   ├── act_0_0_0/
│   │   │   │   ├── act_0_0_0_1.ipynb
│   │   │   │   ├── act_0_0_0_2.ipynb
│   │   │   │   └── act_0_0_0_3.ipynb
│   │   │   ├── act_0_0_1/
│   │   │   │   └── ... (similar structure as above)
│   │   │   └── ...
│   │   ├── act_0_1/
│   │   └── ... (similar structure as above)
│   ├── act_1/
│   ├── ... (similar structure as above)
│   ├── _toc.yml
│   └── _config.yml
└── REPO_NAME/ (temporary clone of the GitHub repository)

Note: The value of ROOT_DIR and SUBDIR_NAME will be provided by the user, and the value of NUMBER_OF_NOTEBOOKS is set to 3 in the script.

In addition, the _toc.yml file will describe the structure of the book, linking the different acts, files per act, and sub-files per file together. The _config.yml file will contain configuration details for the book.

The repository directory (REPO_NAME) is temporarily created as part of the Git process and is removed at the end of the script.

Finally, the book content is built using Jupyter Book (jb build $SUBDIR_NAME) and pushed to the GitHub repository provided by the user.


Hide code cell source
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Set seed for layout
seed = 2 

# Directory structure
structure = {
    "Fena": ["Epilogue", "Project", "Skills", "Dramatis Personae", "Challenges"],
    "Numbers": ["Variance", "R01", "K24", "U01"],
    "Epilogue": ["Open-Science", "Self-Publish", "Peer-Reviewed", "Grants", "Proposals"],
    "Skills": ["Python", "AI", "R", "Stata", "Numbers"],
    "AI": ["ChatGPT", "Co-Pilot"],
    "Project": ["Manuscript", "Code", "Git"],
    "Estimates": ["Nonparametric", "Semiparametric", "Parametric", "Simulation", "Uses/Abuses"],
    "Numbers": ["Estimates", "Variance"],
    "Variance": ["Oneway", "Twoway", "Multivariable", "Hierarchical", "Clinical",  "."],
    "Dramatis Personae": ["High School Students", "Undergraduates", "Graduate Students", "Medical Students", "Residents", "Fellows", "Faculty", "Analysts", "Staff", "Collaborators", "Graduates"],
    "Challenges": ["Truth", "Rigor", "Error", "Sloppiness", "Fraud", "Learning"],

# Gentle colors for children
child_colors = ["lightgreen", "lightpink", "lightyellow",
    'lavender', 'lightcoral', 'honeydew', 'azure','lightblue', 

# 'lightsteelblue', 'lightgray', 'mintcream','mintcream', 'azure', 'linen', 'aliceblue', 'lemonchiffon', 'mistyrose'

# List of nodes to color light blue
light_blue_nodes = ["Epilogue", "Skills", "Dramatis Personae", "Project", "Challenges"]

G = nx.Graph()
node_colors = {}

# Function to capitalize the first letter of each word
def capitalize_name(name):
    return ' '.join(word.capitalize() for word in name.split(" "))

# Assign colors to nodes
for i, (parent, children) in enumerate(structure.items()):
    parent_name = capitalize_name(parent.replace("_", " "))
    # Set the color for Fena
    if parent_name == "Fena":
        node_colors[parent_name] = 'lightgray'
        node_colors[parent_name] = child_colors[i % len(child_colors)]
    for child in children:
        child_name = capitalize_name(child.replace("_", " "))
        G.add_edge(parent_name, child_name)
        if child_name in light_blue_nodes:
            node_colors[child_name] = 'lightblue'
            node_colors[child_name] = child_colors[(i + 6) % len(child_colors)]  # You can customize the logic here to assign colors

colors = [node_colors[node] for node in G.nodes()]

# Set figure size
plt.figure(figsize=(30, 30))

# Draw the graph
pos = nx.spring_layout(G, scale=30, seed=seed)
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, node_size=10000, node_color=colors, edgecolors='black')  # Boundary color set here
nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos)
nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos, font_size=20)


Hide code cell source
import random
import faker

# Set a seed for reproducibility
seed_value = 42

fake = faker.Faker()

# Seed the Faker instance with the same value

# Function to generate random GitHub account names
def generate_github_accounts():
    fake = faker.Faker(['en_US', 'es_ES', 'fr_FR', 'ar_EG', 'ru_RU', 'ja_JP', 'ko_KR', 'zh_CN', 'hi_IN'])
    github_accounts = [fake.user_name() for _ in range(100)]
    return github_accounts

# Function to generate random repo names
def generate_repo_names():
    fake = faker.Faker(['en_US', 'es_ES', 'fr_FR', 'ar_EG', 'ru_RU', 'ja_JP', 'ko_KR', 'zh_CN', 'hi_IN'])
    repo_names = [fake.word() + "_repo" for _ in range(100)]
    return repo_names

# Function to generate random email addresses for the GitHub accounts
def generate_email_addresses(github_accounts):
    email_domains = {
        'en_US': 'example.com',
        'es_ES': 'ejemplo.com',
        'fr_FR': 'exemple.com',
        'ar_EG': 'مثال.موقع',
        'ru_RU': 'пример.сайт',
        'ja_JP': '例.com',
        'ko_KR': '예시.com',
        'zh_CN': '例子.com',
        'hi_IN': 'उदाहरण.कॉम',
    email_addresses = {}
    for account in github_accounts:
        locale = fake.locales[0]
        email_domain = email_domains.get(locale, 'example.com')
        email_addresses[account] = f"{account}@{email_domain}"
    return email_addresses

# Function to generate random data for the table
def generate_table_data():
    github_accounts = generate_github_accounts()
    repo_names = generate_repo_names()
    repo_statuses = [".", "."]
    email_addresses = generate_email_addresses(github_accounts)
    table_data = []
    for i in range(99):
        counter = i + 1
        github_account = github_accounts[i]
        repo_name = repo_names[i]
        repo_status = random.choice(repo_statuses)
        email = email_addresses[github_account]
        table_data.append((counter, github_account, repo_name, repo_status, email))
    return table_data

# Create the table and display it
def create_table(table_data):
    print("{:<5} {:<20} {:<30} {:<10} {:<30}".format("No.", "GitHub Account", "Repo Name", "Status", "Email Address"))
    print("=" * 110)
    for data in table_data:
        print("{:<5} {:<20} {:<30} {:<10} {:<30}".format(data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4]))

# Generate random data and create the table
table_data = generate_table_data()
No.   GitHub Account       Repo Name                      Status     Email Address                 
1     salasrosa            符号_repo                        .          salasrosa@example.com         
2     adelaida24           natus_repo                     .          adelaida24@example.com        
3     jfoley               монета_repo                    .          jfoley@example.com            
4     zgim                 commodi_repo                   .          zgim@example.com              
5     bjohnson             id_repo                        .          bjohnson@example.com          
6     usnyder              science_repo                   .          usnyder@example.com           
7     hortense71           new_repo                       .          hortense71@example.com        
8     oroman               house_repo                     .          oroman@example.com            
9     maedaryosuke         exercitationem_repo            .          maedaryosuke@example.com      
10    dementevafinogen     sapiente_repo                  .          dementevafinogen@example.com  
11    yongxu               eum_repo                       .          yongxu@example.com            
12    lfeng                作品_repo                        .          lfeng@example.com             
13    milessandra          chiffre_repo                   .          milessandra@example.com       
14    osaito               molestiae_repo                 .          osaito@example.com            
15    ysh34                épaule_repo                    .          ysh34@example.com             
16    yvette37             est_repo                       .          yvette37@example.com          
17    jtimofeeva           eligendi_repo                  .          jtimofeeva@example.com        
18    ohyeonu              表示_repo                        .          ohyeonu@example.com           
19    sgilles              我们_repo                        .          sgilles@example.com           
20    mendozakari          distinctio_repo                .          mendozakari@example.com       
21    morrisonkimberly     持つ_repo                        .          morrisonkimberly@example.com  
22    mengwei              because_repo                   .          mengwei@example.com           
23    seosangho            culpa_repo                     .          seosangho@example.com         
24    marclambert          dolore_repo                    .          marclambert@example.com       
25    ykennedy             拥有_repo                        .          ykennedy@example.com          
26    poljakovaverki       distance_repo                  .          poljakovaverki@example.com    
27    okirillov            card_repo                      .          okirillov@example.com         
28    junhyeogbag          处理_repo                        .          junhyeogbag@example.com       
29    remy43               инструкция_repo                .          remy43@example.com            
30    xding                eum_repo                       .          xding@example.com             
31    scott47              officiis_repo                  .          scott47@example.com           
32    haletina             到了_repo                        .          haletina@example.com          
33    sitnikovjanuari      modern_repo                    .          sitnikovjanuari@example.com   
34    jennifer46           suscipit_repo                  .          jennifer46@example.com        
35    olegario57           继续_repo                        .          olegario57@example.com        
36    robinsonstephen      alias_repo                     .          robinsonstephen@example.com   
37    kraamllaa            dolor_repo                     .          kraamllaa@example.com         
38    tanjun               任何_repo                        .          tanjun@example.com            
39    maria24              教育_repo                        .          maria24@example.com           
40    alekseevkallistrat   eveniet_repo                   .          alekseevkallistrat@example.com
41    vyang                美国_repo                        .          vyang@example.com             
42    igyeonghyi           зато_repo                      .          igyeonghyi@example.com        
43    anani_2014           repellat_repo                  .          anani_2014@example.com        
44    gaavitdenyl          quisquam_repo                  .          gaavitdenyl@example.com       
45    shasegawa            хотеть_repo                    .          shasegawa@example.com         
46    zhou                 カラム_repo                       .          zhou@example.com              
47    dengmin              aperiam_repo                   .          dengmin@example.com           
48    bragintvorimir       in_repo                        .          bragintvorimir@example.com    
49    vfleming             免费_repo                        .          vfleming@example.com          
50    primitivocastellanos d'autres_repo                  .          primitivocastellanos@example.com
51    gmays                賞賛する_repo                      .          gmays@example.com             
52    jieuni               направо_repo                   .          jieuni@example.com            
53    gloriaharrison       スペル_repo                       .          gloriaharrison@example.com    
54    nathalielesage       soluta_repo                    .          nathalielesage@example.com    
55    mancebomanuela       eos_repo                       .          mancebomanuela@example.com    
56    yeongil31            exécuter_repo                  .          yeongil31@example.com         
57    aditiidttaa          ipsam_repo                     .          aditiidttaa@example.com       
58    robert96             協力_repo                        .          robert96@example.com          
59    ermola1978           запустить_repo                 .          ermola1978@example.com        
60    akira05              лиловый_repo                   .          akira05@example.com           
61    cndnaamaane          fugiat_repo                    .          cndnaamaane@example.com       
62    kevin21              палец_repo                     .          kevin21@example.com           
63    coedohyeon           accrocher_repo                 .          coedohyeon@example.com        
64    gimbyeongceol        パン_repo                        .          gimbyeongceol@example.com     
65    robertmiles          пропадать_repo                 .          robertmiles@example.com       
66    hshcherbakov         reprehenderit_repo             .          hshcherbakov@example.com      
67    qdossii              présenter_repo                 .          qdossii@example.com           
68    arhip_98             business_repo                  .          arhip_98@example.com          
69    rijvaanmaan          fuga_repo                      .          rijvaanmaan@example.com       
70    senaadhiishaditii    проход_repo                    .          senaadhiishaditii@example.com 
71    sorokinaanna         даль_repo                      .          sorokinaanna@example.com      
72    hlai                 yeah_repo                      .          hlai@example.com              
73    yangcai              ブレーキ_repo                      .          yangcai@example.com           
74    athrvcaudhrii        non_repo                       .          athrvcaudhrii@example.com     
75    thall                magazine_repo                  .          thall@example.com             
76    fpineau              sequi_repo                     .          fpineau@example.com           
77    madeleine14          natus_repo                     .          madeleine14@example.com       
78    gbuck                这里_repo                        .          gbuck@example.com             
79    trifonegorov         nostrum_repo                   .          trifonegorov@example.com      
80    daniel48             район_repo                     .          daniel48@example.com          
81    ainara36             багровый_repo                  .          ainara36@example.com          
82    ujin86               コミュニケーション_repo                 .          ujin86@example.com            
83    carranzadafne        点击_repo                        .          carranzadafne@example.com     
84    matsumotoshohei      alors_repo                     .          matsumotoshohei@example.com   
85    bilbaorosario        autem_repo                     .          bilbaorosario@example.com     
86    laraplinio           quia_repo                      .          laraplinio@example.com        
87    fanming              космос_repo                    .          fanming@example.com           
88    nikola2002           eaque_repo                     .          nikola2002@example.com        
89    vivaan29             上海_repo                        .          vivaan29@example.com          
90    maksimovegor         トス_repo                        .          maksimovegor@example.com      
91    tnvii92              dolore_repo                    .          tnvii92@example.com           
92    jeanfleury           记者_repo                        .          jeanfleury@example.com        
93    guy54                reprehenderit_repo             .          guy54@example.com             
94    itoharuka            salle_repo                     .          itoharuka@example.com         
95    michaudmichele       这样_repo                        .          michaudmichele@example.com    
96    melinda73            спасть_repo                    .          melinda73@example.com         
97    rlopez               ヘア_repo                        .          rlopez@example.com            
98    albertmargot         accepter_repo                  .          albertmargot@example.com      
99    vnaam                est_repo                       .          vnaam@example.com             


Hide code cell source
from tabulate import tabulate
import random
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

# Adding new headers
headers = ["No.", "Deleted", "GitHub Account", "Repo Name", "Status", "Email Address"]

# Hardcoded 'Deleted' column
deleted_column = [
    "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", 
    "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No",
    "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No",
    "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No",
    "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No",
    "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No",
    "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No",
    "No", "No", "No", "No"

# Existing data
data = [
    # ... (same as the previous data) ...
    ["1", "muzaale", "ds4ph-bme/ds4ph-spring-hw-1-muzaale",  ".", "muzaale@gmail.com"],
    ["2", "muzaale", "ds4ph-bme/ds4ph-spring-hw-2-muzaale",  ".", "muzaale@gmail.com"],
    ["3", "muzaale", "ds4ph-bme/ds4ph-spring-hw-3-muzaale",  ".","muzaale@gmail.com"],
    ["4", "muzaale", "ds4ph-bme/ds4ph-spring-hw-4-muzaale",  ".","muzaale@gmail.com"],
    ["5", "muzaale", "ds4ph-bme/ds4ph-spring-hw-5-muzaale",  ".","muzaale@gmail.com"],
    ["6", "muzaale", "ds4ph-bme/ds4ph-spring-hw-6-muzaale",  ".","muzaale@gmail.com"],
    ["7", "muzaale", "ds4ph-bme/ds4ph-spring-hw-7-muzaale",  ".","muzaale@gmail.com"],
    ["8", "muzaale", "ds4ph-bme/ds4ph-spring-hw-8-muzaale",  ".","muzaale@gmail.com"],
    ["9", "muzaale", "ds4ph-bme/ds4ph-spring-hw-9-muzaale",  ".","muzaale@gmail.com"],
    ["10", "muzaale", "ds4ph-bme/ds4ph-spring-hw-10-muzaale",  ".","muzaale@gmail.com"],
    ["11", "muzaale", "ds4ph-bme/capstone-project-muzaale",  ".", "muzaale@gmail.com"],
    ["12", "muzaale-x", "desktop-tutorial ",  ".","muzaale@gmail.com"],
    # ... Add more rows here ...
    ["13", "muzaale", "private",  "muzaale.github.io", "muzaale@gmail.com"],
    ["14", "muzaale", ".",  "book", "muzaale@gmail.com"],
    ["15", "muzaale", "bloc",  "denotas", "muzaale@gmail.com"],
    ["16", "muzaale", ".",  "bcmodel","muzaale@gmail.com"],
    ["17", "muzaale", ".",  "destruction","muzaale@gmail.com"],
    ["18", "muzaale", "buch ",  ".","muzaale@gmail.com"],
    ["19", "muzaale", "idioms",  ".","muzaale@gmail.com"],
    ["20", "muzaale", "kulala ",  ".","muzaale@gmail.com"],
    ["21", "muzaale", "reduction ",  ".","muzaale@gmail.com"],
    ["22", "muzaale", "capstone ",  ".","muzaale@gmail.com"],
    ["23", "muzaale", "vscode ",  ".","muzaale@gmail.com"],
    ["24", "muzaale", "ds4bio_book ",  ".", "muzaale@gmail.com"],
    ["25", "muzaale", "ds4ph-bme ",  ".","muzaale@gmail.com"],
        # ... Add more rows here ...
    ["26", "jhustata", "jhustata.github.io",  ".", "muzaale@jhmi.edu"],
    ["27", "jhustata", "libro",  ".", "muzaale@jhmi.edu"],
    ["28", "jhustata", "livre",  ".", "muzaale@jhmi.edu"],
    ["29", "jhustata-x", "c600y23s",  ".", "muzaale@jhmi.edu"],
    ["30", "jhustata-x", "600y23s",  ".", "muzaale@jhmi.edu"],
    ["31", "jhustata-x", "kitabo",  ".", "muzaale@jhmi.edu"],
    ["32", "jhustata", "book",  ".", "muzaale@jhmi.edu"],
    ["33", "jhustata-x", "class700",  ".", "muzaale@jhmi.edu"],
    ["34", "jhustata-x", "science",  ".", "muzaale@jhmi.edu"],
    ["35", "jhustata-x", "fix",  ".", "muzaale@jhmi.edu"],
    ["36", "jhustata-x", "class600",  ".", "muzaale@jhmi.edu"],
    ["37", "jhustata-x", "desktop",  ".", "muzaale@jhmi.edu"],
    ["38", "jhustata-x", "nhanes",  ".", "muzaale@jhmi.edu"],
    ["39", "jhustata-x", "notes",  ".", "muzaale@jhmi.edu"],
            # ... Add more rows here ...
    ["40", "jhutrc", "jhutrc.github.io",  ".", "muzaale@icloud.com"],
    ["41", "jhutrc", "criteria",  ".", "muzaale@icloud.com"],
    ["42", "jhutrc-x", "book",  ".", "muzaale@icloud.com"],
    ["43", "jhutrc-x", "manuscripts",  ".", "muzaale@icloud.com"],
    ["44", "jhutrc-x", "dofiles",  ".", "muzaale@icloud.com"],
    ["45", "jhutrc-x", "book",  ".", "muzaale@icloud.com"],
            # ... Add more rows here ...
    ["46", "afecd-x", "ai ",  ".", "afecd.lab@gmail.com"],
    ["47", "afecd-x", "afecd.github.io ",  ".", "afecd.lab@gmail.com"],
    ["48", "muzaalefamily-x", "bukonte ",  ".", "muzaale.family@gmail.com"],
    ["49", "muzaalefamily-x", "muzaalefamily.github.io ",  ".", "muzaale.family@gmail.com"],
    ["49",  "afecdvi-x", "og",  ".", "afecdvi@gmail.com"],
    ["50",  "afecdvi-x", "ai",  ".", "afecdvi@gmail.com"],
    ["51",  "afecdvi-x", "afecdvi.github.io",  ".", "afecdvi@gmail.com"], 
            # ... Add more rows here ...
    ["52", "dhatemwakulala-x", "engoma",  ".", "dhatemwakulala@gmail.com"],
    ["53", "dhatemwakulala-x", "tusirike ",  ".", "dhatemwakulala@gmail.com"],
    ["54", "dhatemwakulala-x", "ffena ",  ".", "dhatemwakulala@gmail.com"],
    ["55", "dhatemwakulala-x", "kelele ",  ".", "dhatemwakulala@gmail.com"], 
        # ... Add more rows here ...
    ["56", "iagouganda-x", "iago.github.io", ".", "iago.uganda@gmail.com"],
    ["57", "muzaale-x", "imeela", ".", "muzaale@gmail.com"],  
    ["58", "muzaale-x", "amagunju", ".", "muzaale@gmail.com"],  
        # ... Add more rows here ...
    ["58", "muzaale-x", "zeushadesposeidon", ".", "muzaale@gmail.com"], 
    ["59", "muzaale", "track", "repos", "muzaale@gmail.com"],  
    ["60", "muzaale-x", ".", "fenagas", "muzaale@gmail.com"],
    ["61", "jhutrc", "llc", "fenagas", "muzaale@icloud.com"],  
         # ... Add more rows here ...
    ["62", "jhustata-x", "three40", "six100", "muzaale@jhmi.edu"],
    ["63", "muzaale-x", "blank", "canvas", "muzaale@gmail.edu"], 
         # 08/03/2023
    ["64", "jhutrc", "alpha", "beta", "muzaale@icloud.com"], 
    ["65", "muzaale", "be", "fe", "muzaale@gmail.com"], 
    ["66", "muzaale", "ga", "de", "muzaale@gmail.com"], 
    ["67", "muzaale-x", "gamma", "delta", "muzaale@gmail.com"],  
    ["68", "jhurepos", ".", ".", "jhurepos@gmail.com"],   
    ["69", "muzaale", "abi", "ikesa", "muzaale@gmail.com"], 
    ["70", "jhutrc", "yafe", "fena", "muzaale@icloud.com"], 
    ["71", "jhutrc", "nhanes", "jhutrc.github.io", "muzaale@icloud.com"],

# Insert the 'Deleted' column into each row
for idx, row in enumerate(data):
    row.insert(1, deleted_column[idx])

# Function to generate random date
def generate_random_date(start_date, end_date):
    time_delta = end_date - start_date
    random_days = random.randint(0, time_delta.days)
    return start_date + timedelta(days=random_days)

# Define the date range
start_date = datetime(2023, 4, 4)
end_date = datetime(2023, 7, 31)

# Add a random date for each row in the data
for row in data:
    random_date = generate_random_date(start_date, end_date).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

# Update headers to include the new date column
headers.append("Random Date")

# Printing the table
table = tabulate(data, headers=headers, tablefmt="")
  No.  Deleted    GitHub Account    Repo Name                             Status             Email Address             Random Date
-----  ---------  ----------------  ------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------------  -------------
    1  No         muzaale           ds4ph-bme/ds4ph-spring-hw-1-muzaale   .                  muzaale@gmail.com         2023-05-23
    2  No         muzaale           ds4ph-bme/ds4ph-spring-hw-2-muzaale   .                  muzaale@gmail.com         2023-05-22
    3  No         muzaale           ds4ph-bme/ds4ph-spring-hw-3-muzaale   .                  muzaale@gmail.com         2023-06-19
    4  No         muzaale           ds4ph-bme/ds4ph-spring-hw-4-muzaale   .                  muzaale@gmail.com         2023-06-02
    5  No         muzaale           ds4ph-bme/ds4ph-spring-hw-5-muzaale   .                  muzaale@gmail.com         2023-06-10
    6  No         muzaale           ds4ph-bme/ds4ph-spring-hw-6-muzaale   .                  muzaale@gmail.com         2023-05-06
    7  No         muzaale           ds4ph-bme/ds4ph-spring-hw-7-muzaale   .                  muzaale@gmail.com         2023-06-13
    8  No         muzaale           ds4ph-bme/ds4ph-spring-hw-8-muzaale   .                  muzaale@gmail.com         2023-07-23
    9  No         muzaale           ds4ph-bme/ds4ph-spring-hw-9-muzaale   .                  muzaale@gmail.com         2023-04-05
   10  No         muzaale           ds4ph-bme/ds4ph-spring-hw-10-muzaale  .                  muzaale@gmail.com         2023-06-30
   11  No         muzaale           ds4ph-bme/capstone-project-muzaale    .                  muzaale@gmail.com         2023-07-05
   12  No         muzaale-x         desktop-tutorial                      .                  muzaale@gmail.com         2023-04-18
   13  No         muzaale           private                               muzaale.github.io  muzaale@gmail.com         2023-06-30
   14  No         muzaale           .                                     book               muzaale@gmail.com         2023-07-26
   15  No         muzaale           bloc                                  denotas            muzaale@gmail.com         2023-06-11
   16  No         muzaale           .                                     bcmodel            muzaale@gmail.com         2023-07-09
   17  No         muzaale           .                                     destruction        muzaale@gmail.com         2023-05-08
   18  No         muzaale           buch                                  .                  muzaale@gmail.com         2023-07-11
   19  No         muzaale           idioms                                .                  muzaale@gmail.com         2023-06-25
   20  No         muzaale           kulala                                .                  muzaale@gmail.com         2023-05-17
   21  No         muzaale           reduction                             .                  muzaale@gmail.com         2023-04-18
   22  No         muzaale           capstone                              .                  muzaale@gmail.com         2023-05-11
   23  No         muzaale           vscode                                .                  muzaale@gmail.com         2023-05-29
   24  No         muzaale           ds4bio_book                           .                  muzaale@gmail.com         2023-04-24
   25  No         muzaale           ds4ph-bme                             .                  muzaale@gmail.com         2023-06-01
   26  No         jhustata          jhustata.github.io                    .                  muzaale@jhmi.edu          2023-04-04
   27  No         jhustata          libro                                 .                  muzaale@jhmi.edu          2023-07-05
   28  No         jhustata          livre                                 .                  muzaale@jhmi.edu          2023-07-25
   29  No         jhustata-x        c600y23s                              .                  muzaale@jhmi.edu          2023-07-05
   30  No         jhustata-x        600y23s                               .                  muzaale@jhmi.edu          2023-05-07
   31  No         jhustata-x        kitabo                                .                  muzaale@jhmi.edu          2023-06-07
   32  No         jhustata          book                                  .                  muzaale@jhmi.edu          2023-07-10
   33  No         jhustata-x        class700                              .                  muzaale@jhmi.edu          2023-04-26
   34  No         jhustata-x        science                               .                  muzaale@jhmi.edu          2023-06-07
   35  No         jhustata-x        fix                                   .                  muzaale@jhmi.edu          2023-07-29
   36  No         jhustata-x        class600                              .                  muzaale@jhmi.edu          2023-04-17
   37  No         jhustata-x        desktop                               .                  muzaale@jhmi.edu          2023-07-24
   38  No         jhustata-x        nhanes                                .                  muzaale@jhmi.edu          2023-06-23
   39  No         jhustata-x        notes                                 .                  muzaale@jhmi.edu          2023-05-12
   40  No         jhutrc            jhutrc.github.io                      .                  muzaale@icloud.com        2023-07-20
   41  No         jhutrc            criteria                              .                  muzaale@icloud.com        2023-06-24
   42  No         jhutrc-x          book                                  .                  muzaale@icloud.com        2023-06-07
   43  No         jhutrc-x          manuscripts                           .                  muzaale@icloud.com        2023-06-20
   44  No         jhutrc-x          dofiles                               .                  muzaale@icloud.com        2023-04-29
   45  No         jhutrc-x          book                                  .                  muzaale@icloud.com        2023-04-23
   46  No         afecd-x           ai                                    .                  afecd.lab@gmail.com       2023-05-21
   47  No         afecd-x           afecd.github.io                       .                  afecd.lab@gmail.com       2023-07-10
   48  No         muzaalefamily-x   bukonte                               .                  muzaale.family@gmail.com  2023-04-24
   49  No         muzaalefamily-x   muzaalefamily.github.io               .                  muzaale.family@gmail.com  2023-06-12
   49  No         afecdvi-x         og                                    .                  afecdvi@gmail.com         2023-07-12
   50  No         afecdvi-x         ai                                    .                  afecdvi@gmail.com         2023-07-31
   51  No         afecdvi-x         afecdvi.github.io                     .                  afecdvi@gmail.com         2023-06-10
   52  No         dhatemwakulala-x  engoma                                .                  dhatemwakulala@gmail.com  2023-07-30
   53  No         dhatemwakulala-x  tusirike                              .                  dhatemwakulala@gmail.com  2023-04-04
   54  No         dhatemwakulala-x  ffena                                 .                  dhatemwakulala@gmail.com  2023-06-19
   55  No         dhatemwakulala-x  kelele                                .                  dhatemwakulala@gmail.com  2023-05-15
   56  No         iagouganda-x      iago.github.io                        .                  iago.uganda@gmail.com     2023-06-05
   57  No         muzaale-x         imeela                                .                  muzaale@gmail.com         2023-04-06
   58  No         muzaale-x         amagunju                              .                  muzaale@gmail.com         2023-04-18
   58  No         muzaale-x         zeushadesposeidon                     .                  muzaale@gmail.com         2023-07-31
   59  No         muzaale           track                                 repos              muzaale@gmail.com         2023-05-20
   60  No         muzaale-x         .                                     fenagas            muzaale@gmail.com         2023-07-25
   61  No         jhutrc            llc                                   fenagas            muzaale@icloud.com        2023-07-19
   62  No         jhustata-x        three40                               six100             muzaale@jhmi.edu          2023-07-16
   63  No         muzaale-x         blank                                 canvas             muzaale@gmail.edu         2023-05-13
   64  No         jhutrc            alpha                                 beta               muzaale@icloud.com        2023-05-04
   65  No         muzaale           be                                    fe                 muzaale@gmail.com         2023-04-11
   66  No         muzaale           ga                                    de                 muzaale@gmail.com         2023-05-04
   67  No         muzaale-x         gamma                                 delta              muzaale@gmail.com         2023-07-25
   68  No         jhurepos          .                                     .                  jhurepos@gmail.com        2023-06-15
   69  No         muzaale           abi                                   ikesa              muzaale@gmail.com         2023-04-14
   70  No         jhutrc            yafe                                  fena               muzaale@icloud.com        2023-04-14
   71  No         jhutrc            nhanes                                jhutrc.github.io   muzaale@icloud.com        2023-07-06


Hide code cell source
from IPython.display import HTML

# Create data for Roman and Greek alphabets
roman_letters = [
    'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N',
    'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'

greek_upper_letters = [
    'Α', 'Β', 'Γ', 'Δ', 'Ε', 'Ζ', 'Η', 'Θ', 'Ι', 'Κ', 'Λ', 'Μ', 'Ν',
    'Ξ', 'Ο', 'Π', 'Ρ', 'Σ', 'Τ', 'Υ', 'Φ', 'Χ', 'Ψ', 'Ω'

greek_lower_letters = [
    'α', 'β', 'γ', 'δ', 'ε', 'ζ', 'η', 'θ', 'ι', 'κ', 'λ', 'μ', 'ν',
    'ξ', 'ο', 'π', 'ρ', 'σ', 'τ', 'υ', 'φ', 'χ', 'ψ', 'ω'

greek_names = [
    'Alpha', 'Beta', 'Gamma', 'Delta', 'Epsilon', 'Zeta', 'Eta', 'Theta', 'Iota', 'Kappa', 'Lambda', 'Mu', 'Nu',
    'Xi', 'Omicron', 'Pi', 'Rho', 'Sigma', 'Tau', 'Upsilon', 'Phi', 'Chi', 'Psi', 'Omega'

# List of random words or project titles
project_titles = [
    "Seasonal variation in living kidney donation", "Project2", "Project3", "Project4", "Project5", "Project6", "Project7", "Project8", "Project9", "Project10",
    "Project11", "Project12", "Project13", "Project14", "Project15", "Project16", "Project17", "Project18", "Project19", "Project20",
    "Project21", "Project22", "Project23", "Project24"

# List of random names
random_names = [
    "Andrew", "Bob", "Charlie", "David", "Eva", "Frank", "Grace", "Hannah", "Isaac", "James", "Kathy", "Liam", "Molly",
    "Nathan", "Olivia", "Paul", "Quinn", "Rachel", "Steve", "Tom", "Ursula", "Victoria", "Walter", "Xander", "Yara", "Zane"

# Variables to control the width of each column
column1_width = "5%"
column2_width = "5%"
column3_width = "5%"
column4_width = "5%"
column5_width = "90%"
column6_width = "5%"

# Create HTML table with custom styles
html_table = '<table style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">'

for roman, greek_upper, name, greek_lower, project, rname in zip(roman_letters, greek_upper_letters, greek_names, greek_lower_letters, project_titles, random_names):
    html_table += f'<tr><td style="width: {column1_width}; border: none; text-align: center;">{roman}</td><td style="width: {column2_width}; border: none; text-align: center;">{greek_upper}</td><td style="width: {column3_width}; border: none; text-align: center;">{name}</td><td style="width: {column4_width}; border: none; text-align: center;">{greek_lower}</td><td style="width: {column5_width}; border: none; text-align: center;">{project}</td><td style="width: {column6_width}; border: none; text-align: center;">{rname}</td></tr>'
html_table += '</table>'

# Display the HTML table
AΑAlphaαSeasonal variation in living kidney donationAndrew





# Repositories and file path; originally gchist.sh
OG_REPO="https://github.com/afecdvi/og" # Replace with the original repo URL
CANVAS_REPO="https://github.com/muzaale/canvas" # Replace with the target repo URL

# Temporary directories for cloning repositories
TEMP_DIR_OG="og_temp_$(date +%s)"
TEMP_DIR_CANVAS="canvas_temp_$(date +%s)"

# Clone the original and target repositories
git clone "$OG_REPO" "$TEMP_DIR_OG"

# Enter the original repository and filter for the file
git filter-repo --path "$FILE_PATH" --force
git branch temp_filtered_branch

# Enter the temporary target repository

# Add the temporary directory of the original repository as a remote
git remote add temp_remote "../$TEMP_DIR_OG"

# Fetch the temporary branch
git fetch temp_remote temp_filtered_branch

# Create a new branch and merge the temporary branch into it
git checkout -b merge_seasons_docx
git merge temp_remote/temp_filtered_branch --allow-unrelated-histories

# Push the new branch to the actual 'canvas' repository
git push origin merge_seasons_docx

# Clean up temporary directories
rm -rf "../$TEMP_DIR_OG" "../$TEMP_DIR_CANVAS"

echo "Processing finished. Check the 'merge_seasons_docx' branch in the 'canvas' repository."


rudimentary abikesa_jbc.sh removed


  1. Oldschool Vim to be handled this way:

It looks like the commit message is still not formatted correctly. You need to remove the quotation marks and type your commit message, then save and exit the text editor. Here’s what you can do:

Press the Esc key to ensure you are in normal mode. Press :, and you’ll see a colon appear at the bottom of the screen. Type i to switch to insert mode. Use the arrow keys to navigate to the line with "happy commit", and type your commit message there (e.g., “Merging history of seasons.docx from afecdvi/og to muzaale/canvas”). Press the Esc key to return to normal mode. Type :wq to write the file and quit Vim. Press Enter. This sequence should allow you to exit the text editor and continue with your git operation. Make sure your commit message is on a new line and not inside quotation marks. If you still have trouble, you can always exit without saving by typing :q! and then use a command-line text editor you’re more comfortable with to make the commit. For example, you can run git commit -m "Your commit message here" in the command line.


old irrelevant stuff#


commit history of seasons.docx from afecdvi/og to muzaale/canvas


# User-input
read -p "Enter original repo URL (e.g., https://github.com/afecdvi/og): " OG_REPO
read -p "Enter target repo URL (e.g. https://github.com/jhutrc/fena): " CANVAS_REPO
read -p "Enter filename (e.g. seasons.docx): " FILE_PATH
read -p "Enter your root directory (e.g., ~/Dropbox/1f.ἡἔρις,κ/1.ontology): " ROOT_DIR
read -p "Enter your SSH key location (e.g., ~/.ssh/id_yafefena): " SSH_KEY
read -p "Enter your email address for target repo: " GIT_EMAIL

# Expand the tilde if present

if [ ! -f "$SSH_KEY_EXPANDED" ]; then
  echo "SSH key not found at $SSH_KEY_EXPANDED. Exiting."
  exit 1

# Set working directory
cd "$(eval echo $ROOT_DIR)" || exit 1

# Configure SSH agent
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

# Expand the tilde if present in ROOT_DIR

# Temporary directories for cloning repositories

# Clone the original and target repositories
git clone "$OG_REPO" "$TEMP_DIR_OG"

# Enter the original repository and filter for the file
git filter-repo --path "$FILE_PATH" --force
git branch temp_filtered_branch

# Enter the temporary target repository

# Configure git email
git config user.email "$GIT_EMAIL"

# Add the temporary directory of the original repository as a remote
git remote add temp_remote "$TEMP_DIR_OG"

# Fetch the temporary branch
git fetch temp_remote temp_filtered_branch

# Create a new branch and merge the temporary branch into it
git checkout -b merge_$FILE_PATH
git merge temp_remote/temp_filtered_branch --allow-unrelated-histories

# Push the new branch to the actual 'canvas' repository
git push origin merge_$FILE_PATH

# Clean up temporary directories

echo "Processing finished. Check the 'merge_$FILE_PATH' branch in the $CANVAS_REPO repository."


of only historical importance… removed


  1. None of this was necessary: was merely a network delay

source "/Users/d/Dropbox (Personal)/1f.ἡἔρις,κ/1.ontology/myenv/bin/activate"
(base) d@Poseidon 1.ontology % source "/Users/d/Dropbox (Personal)/1f.ἡἔρις,κ/1.ontology/myenv/bin/activate"
(myenv) (base) d@Poseidon 1.ontology % git remote -v
book    https://github.com/muzaale/book (fetch)
book    https://github.com/muzaale/book (push)
og      ../og (fetch)
og      ../og (push)
origin  git@github.com:jhutrc/fena (fetch)
origin  git@github.com:jhutrc/fena (push)
source-repo     ../source-repo (fetch)
source-repo     ../source-repo (push)
(myenv) (base) d@Poseidon 1.ontology % cd CANVAS_REPO_temp_1691505000                                               
(myenv) (base) d@Poseidon CANVAS_REPO_temp_1691505000 % git push --verbose origin merge_seasons.docx
Pushing to https://github.com/jhutrc/fena
Enumerating objects: 15, done.
Counting objects: 100% (15/15), done.
Delta compression using up to 20 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (10/10), done.
POST git-receive-pack (chunked)
Writing objects: 100% (14/14), 1.77 MiB | 2.57 MiB/s, done.
Total 14 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (3/3), completed with 1 local object.
remote: Create a pull request for 'merge_seasons.docx' on GitHub by visiting:
remote:      https://github.com/jhutrc/fena/pull/new/merge_seasons.docx
To https://github.com/jhutrc/fena
 * [new branch]      merge_seasons.docx -> merge_seasons.docx
updating local tracking ref 'refs/remotes/origin/merge_seasons.docx'


  1. git config –global user.name “jhutrc”

Certainly! It sounds like you’re dealing with an authentication issue in Git while working in Visual Studio Code. You might be trying to push to a remote repository where your other account, jhutrc, has permission, but your currently authenticated account, jhustata, does not.

Here’s what you can do:

  1. Switch Accounts in the Terminal: You can change your global Git username and email by running these commands in your terminal within VS Code:

    git config --global user.name "jhutrc"
    git config --global user.email "jhutrc@example.com" # Replace with the actual email

    If you want to set these just for the current repository (not globally), omit the --global flag.

  2. Re-authenticate with the Correct Account: If it’s an issue with the authentication (e.g., SSH keys or credentials), you might have to re-authenticate using the jhutrc account. Here’s how you might approach this:

    • SSH Key: If you’re using SSH, make sure the SSH key associated with the jhutrc account is added to the ssh-agent:

      ssh-add /path/to/jhutrc-private-key
    • HTTPS Credentials: If you’re using HTTPS, you might need to update or remove the stored credentials. You can often do this through the credential manager on your OS. On Windows, this would be the Credential Manager; on macOS, the Keychain Access; and on Linux, it might vary depending on the distribution and desktop environment.

  3. Use VS Code’s Integrated Authentication: Visual Studio Code has Git integration and might prompt you to sign in if authentication is needed. Ensure that you sign in with the correct account (i.e., jhutrc) when prompted.

Remember, you’ll need to replace "jhutrc@example.com" with the actual email address associated with the jhutrc account.

Keep in mind that these changes will affect how Git identifies you in all of your repositories if you use the --global flag. If you only want to make the change for the current repository, navigate to the repository directory in your terminal and run the commands without the --global flag.


(myenv) (base) d@Poseidon 1.ontology % git config --global user.name "jhutrc"
warning: user.name has multiple values
error: cannot overwrite multiple values with a single value
       Use a regexp, --add or --replace-all to change user.name.
(myenv) (base) d@Poseidon 1.ontology % 


It seems like you’ve encountered an error when trying to set the user.name configuration value in Git. This can happen if there are multiple entries for user.name in your Git configuration files.

You can resolve this issue by choosing one of the following options:

  1. Using --replace-all to Replace All Existing Values: If you want to set a single value for user.name globally and remove all existing entries, you can use the --replace-all option:

    git config --global --replace-all user.name "jhutrc"
  2. Use --add to Add Another Value: If you want to keep the existing values and add another one, use the --add option:

    git config --global --add user.name "jhutrc"
  3. Edit the Configuration Files Manually: You can also manually edit the Git configuration files to resolve the conflict. There are three levels of Git configuration files:

    • System-level (/etc/gitconfig)

    • Global-level (usually in your home directory ~/.gitconfig or ~/.config/git/config)

    • Repository-level (in the repository’s .git/config file)

    You’ll want to look in the global and possibly system-level files to see where the conflicting user.name entries are. Open the file in a text editor and find the lines with user.name, then edit as needed.

Remember to use the method that best fits your desired outcome. If you’re unsure, it might be best to manually inspect the configuration files to understand why there are multiple values for user.name.


you’ve neglected this: Use a regexp, --add or --replace-all to change user.name.


You are correct, and I apologize for not including that option in my initial response. Using a regular expression (regexp) to change the user.name value is another approach you can take.

Here’s how you can do that:

  1. Identify the Exact Value You Want to Replace: First, you’ll need to determine the exact value you want to replace. You can list all the values by running:

    git config --get-all user.name
  2. Use a Regular Expression to Replace the Specific Value: Once you have identified the value you want to change, you can use the --replace-all option with a regular expression that matches the value. Here’s an example:

    git config --global --replace-all user.name "jhutrc" "^old_username$"

    Replace old_username with the exact value you want to replace.

This method allows you to target a specific value among multiple entries for user.name and replace it with the new value “jhutrc.”

Thank you for pointing out this omission, and I hope this additional information helps!


(myenv) (base) d@Poseidon 1.ontology % git config --get-all user.name

(myenv) (base) d@Poseidon 1.ontology % 



(myenv) (base) d@Poseidon 1.ontology % git config --global --replace-all user.name "jhutrc" "muzaale@jhmi.edu"
(myenv) (base) d@Poseidon 1.ontology % git config --get-all user.name                                         

(myenv) (base) d@Poseidon 1.ontology % 

why is jhustata persisting??


It seems like you’re trying to set a global Git user name using the command git config --global --replace-all user.name "jhutrc" "muzaale@jhmi.edu" and then using git config --get-all user.name to verify the results.

From the output, you are seeing multiple “jhutrc” entries, and one “jhustata” entry. The command you provided doesn’t include any references to “jhustata,” so it’s not surprising that the command didn’t change that value.

Here’s why you might be encountering this behavior:

  1. Local Configuration: Git configuration settings can be set at three different levels: system, global, and local (repository). If “jhustata” is set at the local level, then the global git config command you’re using won’t change it. You can check the local configuration with git config --local --get-all user.name.

  2. Syntax Error in Command: Your initial command seems to be incorrect. The extra email argument "muzaale@jhmi.edu" does not correspond to any standard behavior in Git’s configuration system. This could have caused an unexpected behavior in how Git processed the command.

  3. Previous Configuration Entries: If the “jhustata” value was set in the global or system-level configuration file, and the --replace-all option was not used with that value, then it will persist.

You might want to take the following steps to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Check Local Configuration: See if the value is set at the local level with git config --local --get-all user.name.

  2. Check Global Configuration: Look at the global configuration file directly. It is typically located in ~/.gitconfig. You can open it in a text editor to see what is set there.

  3. Check System Configuration: It’s also possible the value is set at the system level. This file’s location can vary depending on the operating system and Git installation.

  4. Correct the Command: If you intended to set the global username to “jhutrc”, then use the correct command: git config --global user.name "jhutrc".

  5. Manually Edit the Configuration: If you still encounter issues, you can manually edit the Git configuration files using a text editor. Make sure to be cautious while editing these files manually, as incorrect changes can lead to unexpected behaviors in Git.

how about that?

(myenv) (base) d@Poseidon 1.ontology % git config --global --replace-all user.name "jhutrc" "jhustata"        
(myenv) (base) d@Poseidon 1.ontology % git config --get-all user.name                                 

(myenv) (base) d@Poseidon 1.ontology % 


It seems like you’ve tried to replace the "jhustata" value with "jhutrc" globally, but the "jhustata" value is still present. The command you’ve used seems to be misunderstood; it is not in the correct format.

The git config --global --replace-all command is supposed to replace all values for a specific key with the new value. However, the extra argument "jhustata" at the end of your command doesn’t correspond to how the command is intended to be used. Git might be ignoring it, leading to the unchanged behavior you’re witnessing.

Here’s the correct command to replace the global user name with “jhutrc”:

git config --global user.name "jhutrc"

Since the "jhustata" entry is still persisting, it might be set at a different level, such as the local repository level. You might want to check for this configuration in the local repository with:

git config --local --get-all user.name

If you find the "jhustata" value at the local level, you can change it with:

git config --local user.name "jhutrc"

If you’re still having trouble, you might want to manually check your Git configuration files (at the system, global, and local levels) to understand where the "jhustata" value is coming from. As mentioned earlier, the global configuration is typically found in ~/.gitconfig.

I like the restraint this introduces. Nothing hardcoded and everything is user-defined.

  1. Remove the Files from Git: If the .dta files are being tracked, you can remove them from the Git repository with the following command:

    git rm '*/*.dta'

    This command removes all .dta files from the parent directory of your repository.

  2. Commit the Changes: Commit the removal with a descriptive message:

    git commit -m "Removed all .dta files from parent directory"
  3. Push the Changes to GitHub: Finally, push the changes to the remote GitHub repository:

    git push origin <branch-name>

Replace <branch-name> with the name of the branch you’re working on.

This approach will remove all the .dta files from the parent directory of the repository, assuming they are being tracked by Git. If the files are not being tracked by Git, the git rm command will not have any effect on them. Make sure to double-check the paths and wildcards to match the specific directory structure of your repository if needed.


from IPython.display import HTML

# Create data for Roman and Greek alphabets
roman_letters = [
    'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N',
    'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'

greek_upper_letters = [
    'Α', 'Β', 'Γ', 'Δ', 'Ε', 'Ζ', 'Η', 'Θ', 'Ι', 'Κ', 'Λ', 'Μ', 'Ν',
    'Ξ', 'Ο', 'Π', 'Ρ', 'Σ', 'Τ', 'Υ', 'Φ', 'Χ', 'Ψ', 'Ω'

greek_lower_letters = [
    'α', 'β', 'γ', 'δ', 'ε', 'ζ', 'η', 'θ', 'ι', 'κ', 'λ', 'μ', 'ν',
    'ξ', 'ο', 'π', 'ρ', 'σ', 'τ', 'υ', 'φ', 'χ', 'ψ', 'ω'

greek_names = [
    'Alpha', 'Beta', 'Gamma', 'Delta', 'Epsilon', 'Zeta', 'Eta', 'Theta', 'Iota', 'Kappa', 'Lambda', 'Mu', 'Nu',
    'Xi', 'Omicron', 'Pi', 'Rho', 'Sigma', 'Tau', 'Upsilon', 'Phi', 'Chi', 'Psi', 'Omega'

# List of random words or project titles
project_titles = [
    "Seasonal variation in living kidney donors in the United States from 1989-2019", "Project2", "Project3", "Project4", "Project5", "Project6", "Project7", "Project8", "Project9", "Project10",
    "Project11", "Project12", "Project13", "Project14", "Project15", "Project16", "Project17", "Project18", "Project19", "Project20",
    "Project21", "Project22", "Project23", "Project24"

# List of random names
random_names = [
    "Andrew", "Bob", "Charlie", "David", "Eva", "Frank", "Grace", "Hannah", "Isaac", "James", "Kathy", "Liam", "Molly",
    "Nathan", "Olivia", "Paul", "Quinn", "Rachel", "Steve", "Tom", "Ursula", "Victoria", "Walter", "Xander", "Yara", "Zane"

# Variables to control the width of each column
column1_width = "5%"
column2_width = "5%"
column3_width = "5%"
column4_width = "5%"
column5_width = "90%"
column6_width = "5%"

# Create HTML table with custom styles
html_table = '<table style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">'

for roman, greek_upper, name, greek_lower, project, rname in zip(roman_letters, greek_upper_letters, greek_names, greek_lower_letters, project_titles, random_names):
    html_table += f'<tr><td style="width: {column1_width}; border: none; text-align: center;">{roman}</td><td style="width: {column2_width}; border: none; text-align: center;">{greek_upper}</td><td style="width: {column3_width}; border: none; text-align: center;">{name}</td><td style="width: {column4_width}; border: none; text-align: center;">{greek_lower}</td><td style="width: {column5_width}; border: none; text-align: center;">{project}</td><td style="width: {column6_width}; border: none; text-align: center;">{rname}</td></tr>'
html_table += '</table>'

# Display the HTML table



# Repositories and file path; originally gchist.sh
OG_REPO="https://github.com/afecdvi/og" # Replace with the original repo URL
CANVAS_REPO="https://github.com/muzaale/canvas" # Replace with the target repo URL

# Temporary directories for cloning repositories
TEMP_DIR_OG="og_temp_$(date +%s)"
TEMP_DIR_CANVAS="canvas_temp_$(date +%s)"

# Clone the original and target repositories
git clone "$OG_REPO" "$TEMP_DIR_OG"

# Enter the original repository and filter for the file
git filter-repo --path "$FILE_PATH" --force
git branch temp_filtered_branch

# Enter the temporary target repository

# Add the temporary directory of the original repository as a remote
git remote add temp_remote "../$TEMP_DIR_OG"

# Fetch the temporary branch
git fetch temp_remote temp_filtered_branch

# Create a new branch and merge the temporary branch into it
git checkout -b merge_seasons_docx
git merge temp_remote/temp_filtered_branch --allow-unrelated-histories

# Push the new branch to the actual 'canvas' repository
git push origin merge_seasons_docx

# Clean up temporary directories
rm -rf "../$TEMP_DIR_OG" "../$TEMP_DIR_CANVAS"

echo "Processing finished. Check the 'merge_seasons_docx' branch in the 'canvas' repository."


Removing files from a Git repository depends on whether you want to simply delete the file in the working directory or also erase it from the Git history. Here’s how you can do both:

Removing a File from the Working Directory and Staging the Deletion

  1. Delete the file from your working directory. You can use a standard file deletion command for your operating system. For example, in a command line interface:

    rm filename.txt
  2. Stage the deletion with Git. You’ll need to tell Git to stage this change (removal) to include it in the next commit:

    git add -A

    Or, specifically for the file:

    git add filename.txt
  3. Commit the change. Now you can commit the change to save the file deletion:

    git commit -m "Removed filename.txt"

Erasing a File from Git History

If you need to remove a file from all previous commits, such as to erase a file that contains sensitive information, you can use the filter-branch command or the BFG Repo-Cleaner tool. Here’s how to do it using filter-branch:

  1. Open a command-line interface. Navigate to your Git repository.

  2. Use filter-branch with index-filter. Replace filename.txt with the file you want to remove:

    git filter-branch --index-filter "git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch filename.txt" HEAD
  3. Push the changes. If you’re working with a remote repository, you’ll need to force-push these changes:

    git push origin --force --all


Be very careful when rewriting history, as it can cause problems for anyone else who has a clone of the repository. Make sure to communicate with your team and ensure that everyone synchronizes their local copies with the modified history. Using tools like BFG Repo-Cleaner can simplify this process, but still require caution.