Voice Memos


Voice Memos#

Claude 3.5 Sonnet: I apologize for the persistent error. It seems that there might be some hidden characters or formatting issues in the script file. Let’s try a different approach to create and run the script:


  1. First, let’s create the script directly in the terminal:

cat << 'EOF' > voice_memos_backup.scpt
tell application "System/Applications/VoiceMemos.app"
    delay 2 -- Wait for Voice Memos to launch

    set targetFolder to (path to desktop folder as text) & "Voice Memo Backups:"
    if not (exists folder targetFolder) then
        tell application "Finder" to make new folder at (path to desktop folder) with properties {name:"Voice Memo Backups"}
    end if
        repeat with aRecording in every recording
            set originalName to name of aRecording
            set fileName to originalName & ".m4a"
            set filePath to targetFolder & fileName
            export aRecording to file filePath
        end repeat
        display dialog "Voice Memo backup complete!" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"
    on error errMsg
        display dialog "An error occurred: " & errMsg buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"
    end try
end tell
  1. Now, let’s verify the content of the file:

cat voice_memos_backup.scpt
  1. If the content looks correct, let’s try to run it:

osascript voice_memos_backup.scpt

If you still get an error, let’s try to isolate the issue by running a very simple script:

osascript -e 'tell application "System/Applications/VoiceMemos.app" to activate'

This should just open the Voice Memos application. If this works, we know we can at least communicate with the app.

If you’re still encountering issues, we might need to check your macOS version and the exact version of the Voice Memos app. You can check your macOS version with:


Please provide the output of this command, along with any error messages you receive from the steps above. This information will help us further diagnose the issue and find a solution.


Thank you for providing those detailed results. It seems that the issue persists, and we’re having trouble communicating with the Voice Memos application. Let’s try a few more troubleshooting steps:

  1. First, let’s confirm the exact path of the Voice Memos app:

    ls -l /System/Applications/VoiceMemos.app
  2. Let’s check if we can launch Voice Memos using the open command:

    open /System/Applications/VoiceMemos.app
  3. Let’s try to get the bundle identifier of the Voice Memos app:

    mdls -name kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier /System/Applications/VoiceMemos.app
  4. Now, let’s check your macOS version:

  5. Finally, let’s try one more AppleScript command using the bundle identifier (if we got it from step 3):

    osascript -e 'tell application id "com.apple.VoiceMemos" to activate'

    (Replace “com.apple.VoiceMemos” with the actual bundle identifier if it’s different)

Please run these commands and provide the output. This information will help us understand why AppleScript is having trouble interacting with the Voice Memos app on your system.

If we still can’t get AppleScript to work with Voice Memos, we might need to consider alternative approaches, such as using shell commands or a different programming language to interact with the Voice Memos files directly.

Final Try#

Thank you for providing those detailed results. This information is very helpful. Let’s analyze what we’ve learned:

  1. The Voice Memos app is indeed located at /System/Applications/VoiceMemos.app.

  2. We can successfully open the Voice Memos app using the open command.

  3. The bundle identifier for Voice Memos is “com.apple.VoiceMemos”.

  4. You’re running macOS 14.5, which is a very recent version (as of my last update, this would be a beta or preview version of macOS Sonoma).

  5. We were able to activate Voice Memos using its bundle identifier without any error.

Given this information, let’s try a modified version of our script using the bundle identifier:

  1. Create a new script file:

    cat << 'EOF' > voice_memos_backup_new.scpt
    tell application id "com.apple.VoiceMemos"
        delay 2 -- Wait for Voice Memos to launch
        set targetFolder to (path to desktop folder as text) & "Voice Memo Backups:"
        if not (exists folder targetFolder) then
            tell application "Finder" to make new folder at (path to desktop folder) with properties {name:"Voice Memo Backups"}
        end if
            repeat with aRecording in every recording
                set originalName to name of aRecording
                set fileName to originalName & ".m4a"
                set filePath to targetFolder & fileName
                export aRecording to file filePath
            end repeat
            display dialog "Voice Memo backup complete!" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"
        on error errMsg
            display dialog "An error occurred: " & errMsg buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"
        end try
    end tell
  2. Now, let’s try to run this new script:

    osascript voice_memos_backup_new.scpt

If you still encounter an error, please provide the exact error message.

Additionally, since you’re running a very recent version of macOS, it’s possible that there have been changes to how Voice Memos works or how it interacts with AppleScript. In this case, we might need to explore alternative methods to backup your Voice Memos.

One such alternative could be to directly access the Voice Memos files in your Library folder. Voice Memos are typically stored in ~/Library/Application Support/com.apple.voicememos/Recordings/. We could create a shell script to copy these files to a backup location.

Let me know the results of running the new script, and we’ll proceed from there.