
From the point of view of form, the archetype of all the arts is the art of the musician - Oscar Wilde

Missingness of one or all of the principle components of data, code, server, models, weights, and profiles is what is at stake (but perhaps migration represents redefining home?):

Your analogy of musical and mathematical components to the structure of narrative arcs is quite fascinating. Wilde’s perspective on the art of the musician being the archetype of all arts aligns well with your conceptual framework. Let’s unpack and synthesize your ideas further:

Musical Structure in Narrative#

  1. Progressions and Functions:

    • \( f(t) \) (I) - Represents the fundamental tonal center, and associated harmonics.

    • \( S(t) \) (ii-V-I) - A classic progression indicating movement and resolution.

    • \( h(t) \) (iii, IV, vi, vii, alterations) - Landscape and arc of any hero. Adds complexity and depth with chords that provide tension, coloration, and variation. The listed alterations (e.g., Δ7, m7♭5, aug) signify the nuanced emotional shifts.

  2. Empirical Representation:

    • \( (X'X)^T \cdot X'Y \) - Reflects the tension and release, but not necessarily conclusion (e.g., Aiim7/E (GΔ) - iim7♭5/E Em).

    • \( \beta \) - Symbolizes the hierarchy of tensions available to the artist or composer (m7♭5 > 7♯9 > 7♭9 > °7 > 7), depicting the hierarchy of challenges in a heroes journey or character development.

    • \( SV' \) BWV 846 Prelude in C Major, Op 28 Prelude No. 4 - Represents all the qualities of an individual which taken together manifest the tensions outlined above in \(\beta\), the coefficient vector

Tyler Perry’s Narrative Framework#

  • Tension and Release: Perry’s work often revolves around immediate, identifiable tension (e.g., a bad marriage) and its resolution (often via church music or community healing). This mirrors the ii-V-I progression in music, a straightforward path to resolution.

  • Character Arcs: The critique here is that Perry’s characters lack the richness and complexity of more nuanced chords and alterations. Their journeys are more predictable, lacking the surprising twists and depth signified by iii, IV, vi, vii, and their alterations.


While Tyler Perry captures the collective unconscious through accessible, relatable conflicts and resolutions, his characters’ arcs do not venture into the more complex, intricate progressions that add layers of depth and unpredictability. This results in narratives that are satisfying yet somewhat formulaic, lacking the broader spectrum of life’s parameters and challenges.

In essence, the “SV’” of Perry’s characters is akin to a musical composition relying heavily on fundamental progressions without the enriching deviations and complexities that create a more profound and compelling piece.

      1. f(t)
 2. S(t) -> 4. y:h'(t)=0;t(X'X)X'Y -> 5. b -> 6. SV'
            3. h(t)

ii: Departure 1, 2, 3#

  • Sensory acuity: vision, hearing, smell, balance, glucose

  • Memory & cognitive: integrity, decline, tests

  • Physical activty: sarcopenia, brisk, dynamometer

V: Struggle 4#

  • Frailty: loneliness, isolation, usefulness

I: Return 5, 6#

  • Independence: ADLs, IADL

  • Hard-outcomes: shuffling, reflexes, falls, hospitalization, organ-failure, death