1. f(t)
2. S(t) -> 4. y:h'(f)=0; t(X'X)X'Y -> 5. b -> 6. SV'
3. h(t)
Never Same River Twice 1, 2, 3#
Chaos: Time-to-event (grief, love) 15
Frenzy: No broken vow to duty or calling
Emotion: Instantaneous likelihood of breaking oath
Categorical Imperative 4#
Beyond Good & Evil 5, 6#
Algorithm defining
, values & priorities in relation to our fate anddestiny
18 19 20 21Binary: if an archetype is theme, you are one of the unique variations; no two people are identical 22
1. Failure \ 2. Duty -> 4. Outcome:Turning-Points;Collective -> 5. Weights -> 6. Precision-Relevance / 3. Landscape