
From the point of view of form, the archetype of all the arts is the art of the musician - Oscar Wilde Cultures with a history of struggle cook better, because they have to -Anthony Bourdaine 25

Missingness of one or all of the principle components of data, code, server, models, weights, and profiles is what is at stake (but perhaps migration represents redefining home?):

  • \(f(t)\) I

  • \(S(t)\) ii-V-I

  • \(h(t)\) iii, IV, vi, vii, alterations: being in the moment trumps the ii-V7-I duty

    • Δ7

    • m or min

    • ° or dim

    • ø or m7♭5, -5

    • + or aug, ♯5 or +5

    • sus

    • ♭9, ♯9, ♯11, ♭13

  • \((X'X)^T \cdot X'Y\) tension & release (e.g. Aiim7/E (GΔ) - iim7♭5/E Em)

  • \(\beta\) m7♭5 > 7♯9 > 7♭9 > °7 > 7, etc

  • \(SV'\) BWV 846 Prelude in C Major, Op 28 Prelude No. 4

While Tyler Perry’s work captures the collective unconscious via tension (bad marriage) & release (church music), the characters he creates don’t have individually compelling arcs that subsume many of the parameters of life

This is equivalent to their \(SV'\) being a vector of mostly \(zeros\) and the barriers, challenges, diversions, sirens, misfortunes, obstacles, courses, “chains” within which Tyler Perry is supposed to “dance” aren’t rich, leaving a basic ii-V-I redemption arch with perhaps one or two straightforward insersions of, say, iii and IV.

      1. f(t)
 2. S(t) -> 4. y:h'(t)=0;t(X'X)X'Y -> 5. b -> 6. SV'
            3. h(t)

ii: Departure 1, 2, 3#

  • Sensory acuity 26: vision, hearing, smell, balance, glucose

  • Memory & cognitive: integrity, decline, tests

  • Physical activty: sarcopenia, brisk, dynamometer

V: Struggle 4#

  • Frailty: loneliness, isolation, usefulness

I: Return 5, 6#

  • Independence: ADLs, IADL

  • Hard-outcomes: shuffling, reflexes, falls, hospitalization, organ-failure, death


In John Adams letter to Abigail concerning the “three generation” process of making an artist or seeker of leisure, we can reconceptualize it as a ii-V7-I chord progression.

One ancestor departs from the homeland and finds manual work (garbage collection for Kardashians). Their struggles in a new adoptive home yield a triumph: a professional second generation (trial lawyer for Kardashians).

The final generation has seen no struggle and the family has “returned” to the idealized paradise they would have wanted at their original home but found elsewhere. It’s in this light that you should read the letter to Abigail 27

                         1. Pessimism
            2. Beyond Good & Evil -> 4. Dionysian -> 5. Science -> 6. Morality
                                     3. Robustness

                             1. Chaos
                        2. Frenzy -> 4. Dionysian -> 5. Algorithm -> 6. Binary
                                     3. Energy

Activation Function \(Q\)#

  • Hunter-gatherer/War: humanism, spiritual teachings (I)

  • Peasant/Economics: judeo (B)

  • Farmer/Calculus: christian (G)

Biases \(U()\)#

  • Manufacturer/Philosophy: world religions (Y)

Weights \(\frac{dU()}{dQ}\)#

  • Energy/Musick: prophetic utterances (O)

  • Deployment/Leisure: individual experience (R)

Hide code cell source
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Define the total utility function U(Q)
def total_utility(Q):
    return 100 * np.log(Q + 1)  # Logarithmic utility function for illustration

# Define the marginal utility function MU(Q)
def marginal_utility(Q):
    return 100 / (Q + 1)  # Derivative of the total utility function

# Generate data
Q = np.linspace(1, 100, 500)  # Quantity range from 1 to 100
U = total_utility(Q)
MU = marginal_utility(Q)

# Plotting
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 7))

# Plot Total Utility
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.plot(Q, U, label=r'Total Utility $U(Q) = 100 \log(Q + 1)$', color='blue')
plt.title('Total Utility')
plt.xlabel('Quantity (Q)')
plt.ylabel('Total Utility (U)')

# Plot Marginal Utility
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.plot(Q, MU, label=r'Marginal Utility $MU(Q) = \frac{dU(Q)}{dQ} = \frac{100}{Q + 1}$', color='red')
plt.title('Marginal Utility')
plt.xlabel('Quantity (Q)')
plt.ylabel('Marginal Utility (MU)')

# Adding some calculus notation and Greek symbols
plt.figtext(0.5, 0.02, r"$MU(Q) = \frac{dU(Q)}{dQ} = \lim_{\Delta Q \to 0} \frac{U(Q + \Delta Q) - U(Q)}{\Delta Q}$", ha="center", fontsize=12)


One needs challenges, a worthy adversary, the embrace of more remote overtones of the harmonic series - Qualities to be reinterpreted as the form of the character arc: the ii-V7-I archetype that music lends to all the arts

  • Westmalle Dubbel, \(7\) %

  • Duvel, \(8.5\) %

  • Truth, \(8.7\) %

  • Westmalle Tripel, \(9.5\) %

  • St. Bernardus Abt 12, \(10\) %