


There’s an email chain between Dr. Sarah E. Kayongo, Patrick E. Muinda, Martin J. Muwaga, and Abimereki D. Muzaale (henceforth SPJD). They are discussing and scheduling a 4-way call to take place at mutually convenient times, considering different time zones. Two main topics are planned for discussion: supporting the “bazeeyi’s” cash flow and establishing a feedback/support session for Patrick’s doctoral studies. After several exchanges to agree on a suitable time, the meeting is eventually scheduled for 8 pm KLA time on May 3, 2021. Dr. Kayongo also shares a Zoom link for the meeting.



  1. Thanksgiving to God for Navigating the last 4 years (PhD, for D as a family in the US, for providence)
  2. Request for divine promotion in God’s time that translates into more pay - financial breakthrough
  3. Prayer for Health and to complete the House under Construction
  4. Pray for Lauren and Kevin (Lauren, for her health, and for Kevin’s studies) Pray for Kevin too
  5. Ministry - Request for God’s wisdom to help people with the Gifts God has given me (encouraging people) for God to open ways for me to serve him and others. A desire to [Minister] and share about God and what I have learned from my walk with God.


  1. Request God’s balance in my life, getting rid of unnecessary loads - Restore relationship with God
  2. Request for knowledge and ability for Life and PhD study from the Source of all knowledge
  3. Prayer for my health, especially my stomach - try to eliminate sugar
  4. I ask God for wisdom at work and business - Believing God for a fleet of Buses
  5. Dorothy’s mum’s recovery fully after long illness (lung infection)
  6. Prayer for opening to new levels in our careers (Dorothy and Pati)
  7. Direction for Nicole, Anger management for Martin


  1. Restoration of Communion with God at a deep intimate level
  2. Prayer for family, children, Carrier
  3. Prayer for physical health
  4. Family - Specifically Bria, Brenda after the loss of her mum, Career challenges


  1. Continued physical health (Includes being physically active - family joining in) - Our bodies are the temple of God
  2. Giving thanks to God for finishing 1st year of PhD
  3. Successfully start and complete PhD research
  4. Pray for inspiration from God to help us be more connected as a family
  5. Starting own family (Baidhukulu for Mummy and Daddy - As an urgent prayer request)
  6. Ministry - Putting Talents to good use (bringing all the above to be applied to Ministry, Family, both extended and own family)

Commit Mummy and Daddy together with our Siblings into God’s hands.



  1. Thanksgiving to God for Lauren for healing her through the tough time she’s been through as an individual and as a family
  2. Pray for the trip to New York to give thanks to God for being alive and being well through all that the family has been through
  3. We should continue to pray through Psalm 91 over our families
  4. Thanksgiving for a Brand new car and transport to go to church and have mobility


  1. Pray for clarity and God’s guidance as I present my proposal on Tuesday
  2. I pray for the ability to manage my time so I finish on time
  3. Pray for D to get back into Budo with his choice combination
  4. Pray for a meaningful and restful journey to Abu Dhabi on 31st December 2021 as a Family
  5. Continue to pray for Brenda and the family for God’s comfort after the loss of Abwooli


  1. Travelling to see Bria - To spend time with Bria (Pray for Bria for the Lord to continue working in her life)
  2. Pray for strength to grow in the Lord and to learn how to remain in God’s presence
  3. Carrier - We thank God for God’s perfect will in J’s career path


Prayers request as earlier shared still hold.



  1. Request for Spiritual growth this year: To align my life, with everything I am and do, to God’s purpose and plan for my life
  2. Prayer for Lauren and Kevin for their spiritual growth. Thanksgiving for Lauren, who is much better today following depression a while ago
  3. Kevin graduates on May 12th; I am graduating (hooding) on May 6th this year. We pray for God’s provision and for Dad and Mum to be able to travel well
  4. We pray for Derrick to continue to play the supportive role for the children and family
  5. Prayer for financial stability and to have a job that pays enough to meet the needs that I have


  1. Prayer for promotion and clarity on how to proceed from there
  2. To experience growth in God and to live in God’s victory this year
  3. For God to bless Dorothy as she returns to work starting tomorrow and for God to promote her too
  4. Pray for excellence in my PhD research this year


  1. Spiritual Growth: God is the author of our lives, and He alone has the manual that directs the plans and purposes of our lives
  2. Thanksgiving for the change and transformation in Bria’s life; she is performing well in class, and her relationship and fellowship with Dad and the family are great today. This is answered prayer
  3. Career growth: We ask the author of life to do His will in our lives
  4. We thank God for good health
  5. Prayer for J’s family


  1. Prayer for success in the 2nd year of PhD studies
  2. To achieve independence from D’s mentor sooner and quickly
  3. Continued health, strength, fitness, and to share more with family and friends

Dad & Mum

  1. Prayer for funds for the purchase of a new car for Daddy and Mummy. We pray for God’s provision



  1. Successful Graduation: Pray for a successful graduation for Sarah and Kevin.
  2. Safe Travels: Pray for Night’s travel and safe stay with Lauren; also for Sarah’s safe travels for work in Europe and Africa and a chance to visit home.
  3. Good Health: Grateful for good health, pray for continued strength and health.
  4. Lauren’s Education: Pray for Lauren to successfully complete 11th grade and move to 12th grade.


  1. Thanksgiving: Children came back with coughs and flus, it was very expensive, but they are very well now.
  2. Martin’s Education: He is doing P7; we need to keep him in prayers for PLE preparation.
  3. Thanksgiving for Dorothy: She is back in Kampala; we still trust the Lord for her promotion.
  4. Patrick’s Promotion: Move to a position of Commissioner. Pray that during the restructure they can create that position.
  5. PhD Journey: Very lonely journey—pray that the Lord grants P fortitude for the journey, and to get back to the previous level of focus. Pray for fewer distractions.
  6. Medical Health Check: Focus on his physical health.
  7. International Job Opportunity: Specifically in Canada.


  1. Grateful for Health: Grateful for good health; girls and Brenda are in very good health.
  2. Gabby’s Education: Gabby turned 13, doing her common entrance in June, will join her sister in Pepponi. Trusting the Lord for resources.
  3. Career Advancement: Pray for Johnny’s career; changes in USAID due to funding constraints have impacted staff; we pray for J’s career advancement to the next level - specifically praying for a breakthrough in management.
  4. Support for Brenda: Pray for Brenda, she is still grieving for her mom. Pray for her safety.


  1. Data Access: Being granted access to 2 sources of data: National transplant registry and from CDC and electronic medical records. Pray for completion in the 3rd year.
  2. Thanksgiving:
    • Successful preliminary oral exams on April 1st.
    • Flexibility to extend his research and retain mentor.
    • Getting teaching assistants and smooth teaching, and beyond halfway.


  1. Prayer for Dr. Katebalirwe: He is sick, we have to pray.
  2. Mummy’s Health: Pray for Mummy’s eye recovery and general health.
  3. Daddy’s Health: Pray for Daddy’s health and strength.



  1. Financial Provision: Thankful to God for job, but need prayers for fixing home.
  2. Home Sale: Put house on market, sell house, and take care of loans.
  3. Children’s Education and Mental Health:
    • Teenagers: finally a 12th grader, finish the year successfully, mental health (thanks).
    • Kevin: finish up electives missed while in Spain, thankful for Merrill Lynch job, pray for Feb.
  4. Job and Promotion Opportunities:
    • First time ever wide-range of skills have been recognized, pray for success.
    • Dynamic capabilities: may be able to bring doctoral thesis work to bear in a white paper with Palladium.
    • May create a job/promotion to specifically leverage this avenue.
  5. Personal Care and Health:
    • Has a week off next week, submit paper with Lars to journals, take care of self (doctors’ appointments), new glasses.
    • Need to schedule a colonoscopy.


  1. Nicole’s Health and Academics: Eating & weight gain issue, not interested in exercise; weak muscles. Academics also; not very motivated.
  2. Career Progression: Resumes work after the longest leave; confirmed promotion position (full commissioner) 07/23.
  3. Studies and Fieldwork: Approval for fieldwork, framework in context of what you are improving, reduced.
  4. Health Concerns: Throat-related issues, several months, but finally improving and can swallow; pray for complete healing.
  5. Spiritual Growth: Work in victory with the feeling of excellence, not contending with anyone/people. Thankful for what God has done in his life.


  1. Work Breakthrough: Expecting breakthrough in Oct adverts.
  2. Bria’s Development: Proud of her, disciplined.
  3. Health Concerns: On meds.


  1. Health Concerns: Pray for overall well-being.
  2. Work Progress: Prayers for continued success.
  3. PhD Journey: Guidance and wisdom.
  4. Grants and Teaching: Prayers for obtaining grants and success in teaching responsibilities.

Dad & Mom

  1. Overall Wellness: Ok on the whole.
  2. Thanksgiving: For the car.



  1. Upcoming Trips: Pray for provisions for trips to Senegal and Uganda and safety for work trips.
  2. House Sale: Thank God for solutions; pray for the best price and investor to pay off debts.
  3. Work Opportunities: Pray for favor at work and a possible promotion.
  4. Health Concerns: Thankfulness for healing from lower tummy pain; pray for protection and good health.
  5. Family’s Spiritual Growth: Pray for continued growth for Sarah, Kevin, and Lauren.


  1. Research Progress: Pray for intervention in a pending decision from the research committee and to commence research.
  2. Academic Success: Pray for provision, strength, and direction to complete Doctoral degree.
  3. Martin’s Exams: Pray for success in P7 exams and admission to top school.
  4. Family Needs: Pray for Nicole, Lisa, and Dorothy’s needs.
  5. Promotion at Work: Pray for opportunities and success.
  6. Country’s Governance: Pray for good governance.
  7. Travel and Health Concerns: Pray for the Muindas, the Bazeeyis, and mom Keku.


  1. Thanksgiving for Girls: Progress at school; Bria’s stability; Gabby’s studiousness.
  2. Brenda’s Job Opportunity: Pray for success in finding a job in Africa, possibly Malawi.
  3. Johnny’s Upcoming Job Interview: Pray for success and favor.
  4. Continued Health and Protection: Gratitude for well-being.


  1. Academic Achievements:
    • 1st Term Completion (Tuesday Oct 25): Advanced elective biostatistics, survival analysis; pray to pass.
    • 2nd Term Beginning (Wednesday Oct 26): Philosophy class; not demanding; pray for wisdom in the “Ph” in PhD.
    • First Thesis Committee Meeting (Tuesday Nov 1): Discuss progress and research timeline.
    • IRB Deadline (Nov 15): Pray for Institutional Review Board approval.
    • National Institute of Aging Annual Review (Tuesday Nov 15): Demonstrate research output in gerontology.
  2. New Hire: Hired one of the best students to assist in research; pray for productivity.
  3. Wellness Concerns: Gain of 30 pounds; pray for better fitness and stress management.
  4. Passport Renewal: Pray for timely renewal.
  5. Daddy/Mummy’s 50th Anniversary: Thanksgiving for their love, sacrifice, health, and continued relationship.

These requests cover a wide array of life aspects, from personal health and well-being to academic achievements and career advancements. May you find comfort, guidance, and strength in these prayers.



Dear East African Family,

On Friday, February 3rd, I had a scan – a PET MRI Dotatate whole body scan to see if I have a resurgence of my cancer. I got the results last week and I’m still trying to digest them, because they are mixed – some new tumors growing in my bones and lymph nodes, but still a good result with the old tumors smaller and inactive. I still haven’t heard from the doctor about what the next steps should be. I’ll try to explain this type of special scan – don’t hesitate to ask questions.

The Dotatate is a radioisotope scan that attaches specifically to tumor cells and to neuroendocrine organs like the pituitary, adrenal glands and pancreas - basically a whole body geiger counter that shows tumor activity. The PET MRI gives a better picture of tissues to show tumor size and shape.

In the last 12 plus years I’ve had nearly 50 scans and each one comes with uncertain expectations and often mixed results. Two, however, have stood out in their clarity: in 2020 when the results were “too numerous to count new metastases in liver and bone” it resulted in the start of PRRT, the intravenous radiation that attaches to tumors with a radiation dose 50 times greater than that of the scan, and in 2022 with the “Amazing response to PRRT - no tumor functional activity”.

The results from Friday just came out today, and I also received a copy of Dr. Bergsland’s notes, 11 pages long, outlining that 12 year history and her recommendations. First, I have several small new tumors, in a lymph node, rib and pelvis. Dr. Bergsland characterized this as “slight progressive disease” 2 years after the very successful PRRT. I still have the fracture of my sacrum which has caused me to retire my downhill skis and limits how far I can hike and what I can safely carry. I also continue to have episodes of cholangitis and fever from bacteria going upstream into the liver’s biliary system, including one yesterday with a several hour fever up to 102.6F. I may need additional radiation for the active bony tumors or restart the monthly targeted chemotherapy injections that were stopped last August. But overall, this is a very good report and I am glad to be doing this well after 12 years living with pancreatic neuroendocrine cancer.

Thanks to all of you for your encouragement, calls, thoughts and prayers on this cancer journey. An editorial in 1986 in the New England Journal of Medicine by a pediatrician and double cancer survivor described living with cancer as accepting and embracing uncertainty. Twenty five years later I hosted a dinner for a visiting team supporting the University of Zambia Medical School, described my cancer and mentioned that editorial, without knowing that the author was standing in front of me! So while there is uncertainty in this report, I am ever grateful for the high tech diagnostic and treatment options that have kept me alive and (relatively) well.

We are planning to come to Kenya in August and September and hope to see many of you in Kilifi. Our time there will be complicated so I can’t yet give firm dates, but probably the last two weeks in August or early September will be best. Our partner Buck is coming sometime in September, but we don’t yet know how long. We are also having several couples from California coming at different times. We will let you know but hope we can see you in 2023.

Love, Larry



  1. published third paper in international journal in april
    • journal of business marketing
  2. grateful for job & more
    • lateral movement
      • in charge of thought leadership
  3. travel (threat to pepfar)
    • south africa
    • nairobi
    • safe travel
    • meet goals
  4. kevin
    • moved from risk to capital markets
    • going to wallstreet for further training
    • scheduled to go to london for more experience
  5. lauren
    • graduated from high school
    • not a trivial thing
    • was very depressed for various reasons
    • it was a real threat
    • june 5th is graduation
    • wants to study marketing, fashion
    • accepted by university of st. johns and more (next year)
    • has been accepted in prestigious modeling camp in nyc
    • pray for housing situation in nyc for lauren
    • financial breakthrough and get out of debt
    • be able to pay for pearl marina apartment in timely manner
    • grateful for good health


  1. making progress with writing; a tiring process
  2. to be done with thesis by may last year
  3. want to thank god: we are done with school fees
    • sending 4 children back to school after short holiday
    • dorothy did some extra work
    • able to send them back in time
  4. everyone is well and healthy
    • dorothy is on leave
    • girls are happy
    • boys spent holiday with her
    • pray for her as she gets set to stand in for someone in kabale
  5. was expecting a promotion this year
    • they raised the requirements
    • included it-governance certificate (takes 6 months)
    • have everything except this requirement
    • government doesn’t have enough resources and will implement this in july 2024 (not 2023), allowing me to get certification by then!
  6. phd studies
    • i pray that the lord helps me pull through
    • continue to pray that god gives me strength to go through this
    • and i look forward to teaching ict-components in business school, at nakawa
  7. pray for great health and strength to pick up the girls from school
  8. pray for dorothy’s two week stint in kabale
  9. human resource person who was making my life difficult and wasn’t supportive of my studies (e.g. stepping away from work to visit a professor) was removed
  10. pray for another set of leadership to fill the gap
  11. d is about to complete s6
  12. nicole is beginning to do better
    • no longer focusing on teaching her to write
    • she is now doing better at learning other tasks
    • very thankful for this
  13. martin
    • still very playful but in subtle way (not at school)
    • his classmates know him but is a distraction
  14. lisa
    • doing well in school
    • stood for prefect but didn’t make it
    • lisa is concerned about her weight but we pray that she doesn’t worry about it
  15. continue to pray for resources to address needs and school fees
    • and to pay back what we’ve borrowed from friends


  1. thanksgiving, job
    • new job
  2. brenda breakthrough
    • didn’t happen
    • reassigned to sierra leone
    • family duty station
    • grateful in light of many being laidoff
  3. bria
    • finished equivalent of o-levels
    • says exams went well
  4. prayer
    • commit brenda to job
    • family split into different locations
    • stay as close-knit family unit


  1. thankful for successful completion of phd requirements
  2. only thesis left & pray for completion by may 2024
  3. grateful for my most brilliant trainees who will work with me
  4. pray that hiring (which is in final stages) comes through without any issues
    • and that they’ll transpose my productivity
    • help me meet my grant-publication goals
    • that we produce preliminary data for my grants this year
  5. already scheduled to travel for a conference (this morning)
    • continue to pray for more conferences (aging, transplant) across the world
  6. extremely grateful for swimming skills
    • advancement
    • fitness
    • health
    • continue to pray for healing of hip







  1. Thanksgiving:
    • Paper got published and going to present findings at a conference, and job will sponsor me.
    • Travels to Cape Town and Nairobi went well: reports well-received.
    • Kevin was in NYC/Wall Street for training; he is enjoying his work; this was his first travel for work.
    • Lauren graduated from high school; but let’s continue to pray; we have to go to NYC to find her an apartment.
  2. Prayers:
    • Addis job with the UN that I applied for 3 years ago; I’m one of the top candidates and invited on short notice for an interview; now they’re asking for references. They’ve been checked.


  1. Dorothy’s Promotion:
    • The terms and conditions don’t seem meaningful, and we pray that the confusion stops.
    • Pray that the terms and conditions align with our prayers.
    • Desire for less time away from Kampala and better pay.
  2. Boys:
    • Martin is getting confirmed.
    • D is having a hard time with economics and needs to improve in ICT: M E Tech drawing ICT.
  3. Government/Office:
    • Human capital management is needed to streamline payments; people have been paid as scientists when they were not; also, there are ghosts.
    • The cleaning-up process misclassified P as a non-scientist, information person; salary cut by 3/4.
    • Position description will be submitted; we pray that it’s fixed quickly.
    • Also, the government has no money, so promotions are on hold.
    • Assistant commissioner for “information” put P in the lowest category during a system appraisal.
    • Redesignate title to Assistant Commissioner for ICT; we pray for this to return to a salary as a scientist.
    • Current boss operates on rumors: not exactly the new boss I had prayed for; so let’s continue praying for this; the contract ends next month; pray she is reposted.
    • The one who is acting now is nice, and we pray she stays.
    • Black-listed amongst those who removed the best friend of the boss, the confidant - Janet.
  4. Studies:
    • Need to finish before new responsibilities at work - finish most of doctoral work by the end of the year.
  5. Girls:
    • Nicole is okay, only hurt a toe on a stone.
    • Lisa wants to be head girl: she hopes to be better prepared to contest after a previous loss.
  6. Deborah:
    • Got ill while at Hopkins on summer school.
    • Pray for her and guide her doctors.
    • She’s doing a Ph.D., and so illness doesn’t bode well with it.
  7. Dodo’s Mother:
    • Birthday today - turns 77.
    • Celebrate.
    • She’d had multi-embolism in lungs, and God preserved her; God has been so faithful.
  8. Mommy & Daddy:
    • They are well and strong; thank God.


  1. Gratitude:
    • Traveled to Freetown, and the destitution there was eye-opening.
    • Was able to help Brenda settle in: secure a nice apartment.
    • Keep praying for her.
    • PEPFAR will be funded, and we are grateful.
    • Grateful to God for Daddy: e.g., handed money we sent him to Mummy.
  2. Prayer:
    • Father-in-law collapsed in Mutongo.
    • Had a blood clot and is back on thinners.
    • Pray that he recovers quickly.
    • Grateful for Brenda’s job; but ask for her to be kept safe.


  1. Thanks:
    • Successfully hired two trainees.
    • Attended my first conference in 3 years.
  2. Prayers:
    • Leadership and guidance to my trainees.
    • Submit 2-3 grants to NIH by October.
    • Improve my abrasive style that hurts collaboration.
    • Workflow incorporating AI for success with all above + doctoral thesis by May 2024.

Transcript by Zoom's AI **07/16/2023** ```text Here's the cleaned up version of your transcript with speakers assigned to their respective initials: S (Sarah Kayongo): Things. S: Yeah. P (Patrick Muinda): Yeah. P: Okay, let me try to find the notes. I don't know where I put them, I think. D (Abimereki Muzaale): Did they share the notes? Yeah. S: Yes, we can see it. D: So who is going? Trust? No, no, no, you've not. I shared the notes, but I have no idea where I saved them. I mean, just give me a second. Can you find them? P: Okay, I'll be going in the meantime. Explaining. P: I am completely well, Dorothy is okay. That should do enough framing. P: Work is a bit relaxed because the financial year ended. P: So there is now completely no money, so there is no government activity. P: I think the money will come when finance releases this, it will be very interesting. P: So we're waiting for them to release it. As I said, there's a fine line between tragedy and comedy. J (Martin Muwaga): But what you've not mentioned is that the government now, from the beginning of this financial year, they just announced domestic borrowing. J: They have said. They are chilling. J: The trade, they're easing off on the Treasury bonds and all that. So that's why the value has really gone up because they're like we need to manage. P: I would agree. But they're waking up really late because we have where we... D: We're drowning in debt. I think I found some notes which I'm testing here. J: But... D: Yeah, I just... D: I just... D: 2023. Yes, that's... D: Because it's... P: Thank you. Yeah. So we? I am now spending more time concentrating on trying to finish. Chapter 4, I submitted, and then I got changes to make. And that's what I'm working on right now. P: It is a lot right? Writing actually is very, very intensive. Time, energy and brain intensive. After about 2 or 3 hours, you feel like you've been running a marathon. P: Yeah. So you're putting things together from so many places. So... P: It's okay. I'm making progress. I am hoping that I should be done this week, this coming week with Chapter 4. And I said, discussing the findings that he says he wants to... P: To contribute to the discussion because he has been following what has been going on. The entire research. So he says, given your results, I want to also contribute and give ideas. P: What he thinks. So I'm happy about that. At the office. P: As I said, things are largely going down. P: And we are in that place where we are believing good for new things. P: Dorothy also is okay. You know they did that restructuring got a promotion. However, the promotion means going to a different body. P: And then they also, the letter she received says that she retains the terms and conditions. So we wondered what type of promotion that was. P: So we are seeking clarification, seeking clarification next week for them to tell us what they mean. Exactly. P: How do you get a promotion? Then your terms and conditions of service remain the same. I think it was standard language for those who have been demoted. I think it was a standard language for everyone. J: Yeah, it's those who are going down are being, but not upwards. Yeah. So how do you send the standard language to all? And yet that is a very incompetent HR office. So wherever they are, they are exceedingly incompetent and don't understand what they are doing. P: So that was surprising and borderline upsetting. P: So we hope that we shall get a good clarification, a verbal clarification, in the course of this coming week. P: Because we'd rather stay in Kampala if the terms and conditions are the same. We would rather retain the position and then go, you know? P: So that is the thing. Then when you... P: Yeah, it's a prayer. It's a very important request, one to pray for Dorothy that this is going to be sorted out, and that she even stays in Kampala. There is no real reason why she should go up country. P: She served up country so many times for many years. There are so many young people... P: Who should be given that opportunity to go and work up country. P: So we hope for me. I'm doing good for promotion. I think promotions are not happening in the government... P: For some time. I've not been hearing them happen. P: But you know God doesn't wait for things to happen for everyone, only before he blesses you. So I trust that one thing it will happen. I've been in this __ S (Sarah Kayongo): So, who spreads her rumors? Can you be part of the rumor machine? P (Patrick Muinda): Now, I was blacklisted among those who contributed to her removal. So they put me on a hit list. I am among those supposed to really pay for removing her best friend. P: Her best friend, the most confident one, the one she praises every meeting. She's praising him and this is a single lady. We could misunderstand everything because their closeness was just too much. If we are not actually understanding, we could seriously misunderstand everything. P: That is what has been going on. The new person is very objective and he doesn't operate like we did at all. There's a lady who has been brought in to be the Under Secretary, but we suspect she was brought in to take over. S: That's great for that to happen. I'm reading the Book of Fox and Second Kings. And you think the world is messed up right now. Oh, my God! These Kings! There were too many bloody coups. S: Yes, it was the game of thrones way before. So, let us pray that this happens. Yes, we got confirmed in office, and because she's acting now, the other one is on leave. We have such peace in the office, work is flowing, people are well motivated, and everyone really wants to support her, to succeed. P: The difficult post is temporary. You know their contracts end soon. S: Oh, okay, their contracts end next month. So of course, we are praying that she should be posted elsewhere. Whatever the board chooses to do, we just pray that the one who is acting now stays. That's what we prefer. P: Yeah, so that's how it is at the office. Work is ongoing. I've been at that job for so long. I need a new experience. But before that, I need to finish my studies. I don't want a new responsibility that demands so much from me. S: So that I can make any progress. P: By the end of this year, I should have made significant progress. By Christmas time, I should really be looking at other things, summarizing publications and the like. The main thesis should be done by the end of this year. P: My children are doing well. Nicole is okay. She hurt her foot kicking a stone, but she's being taken good care of. Lisa is fine. She wants to become a head girl. She had a meeting to understand why she didn't go through in P5. And now, she's focusing on strengthening those areas so that she's better prepared in P6 for the head girl test. P: Yes, it will happen. She is very determined. Yesterday, we celebrated Dorothy's sister's 40th birthday. It was a very happy occasion. She's in Uganda. Deborah, the youngest, arrived a few weeks ago. D (Abimereki Muzaale): No, no, she's in summer school. P: Okay, we're praying for her. That is a real prayer request, because when I see doctors doing something and it doesn't seem to work, then they claim they have found it and nothing changes. It disturbs everyone. They have paid so much money for surgery and whatever, and there's no change. P: She's also doing a Ph.D., so you can imagine having the stress of health issues and also having to deal with her studies. It's not good at all. Tomorrow, we celebrate Dorothy's mother's birthday. She's now 77. I think she's younger than our mom, who is 78. S: No, she's 75. Take 10 away from 85. P: Okay. We're going to celebrate her birthday. You remember, she almost died last year, just when Covid was winding up. S: So I'm confident. P: It wasn't Covid. It's one of the most common diseases in the lungs. But she didn't have just one clot, she had many. S: Wow. P: Every doctor who saw her knew that she could go anytime. But God preserved her life until all those clots dissolved and she's completely healed. She's very strong. You won't believe it. At the dinner table, you can't believe she's the same one who was in the hospital. God has been so faithful. P: The kids are fine. They're very well taken care of and very strong. We thank God for that. That's how I've been. Nothing very out of the ordinary. That's me. __ D (Abimereki Muzaale): It's very humbling, you know. The competition is not even close to Zoom. The difference is just unbelievable. So, I'm really good. The issue is there is a higher demand. This is a student that I worked with during the lockdown. You, as in the person at the time was an undergraduate. Now, they're a medical student. D: And they're from Maryland, so it's around with the US, where they could work with me again, and it's like sure. We will finish up stuff and get it all published. D: The student is brilliant. Unbelievably brilliant, for this level of training. So I'm very excited to have this, two very outstanding individuals doing great work. D: So, the hiring process is ongoing. And the numbers may seem large to you guys, but the others have got it right. The Chinese guy contributed to the workflow that I'm trying to set up in AI. D: This productivity is going to be like 300 people, it's going to be huge. D: I'm starting a crazy and ambitious journey, but wow, we're leveraging what our people from data science and AI can do. So, hopefully, things will be set up. D: Yes, you can expect a lot of growth. D: I'm scheduled to travel for conferences. This morning, I traveled safely to San Diego, and even went over shorts and made it to Mexico. Did you go by train? How did you? D: Yeah, and I'm extremely grateful for the swimming skills. I've been absent from it since then, and I really need to get back to it. D: So, that's about it for now. I did make the request to be able to formulate the most efficient plan for my team, because I believe there's a lot we can achieve in a short time. D: I need to submit grants by October. Some grants, I want to be able to submit two to three, and the quality of the submission and the teams for the team collaborators should be part of the call. D: One thing I've learned over the last 17 years since I first came to the US is that I need to improve my collaboration skills. Maybe because I was mostly in school and the academic setup in school at the time was individualistic. D: Yeah, no collaboration. But in the real world, everything is about collaboration. I struggle with it, I'm an assertive personality. D: I can be very irritable. I get very irritated if I feel people just don't get the point. People have spoken behind my back, which I've heard through other sources. People I've never worked with describe me in certain ways, and that's a problem, not how I'm described, but the fact that it's a fact. P: Yeah. D: I think you have two things going on, your phone and something else. But anyway, let me just wrap up. S (Sarah Kayongo): Got it. But you know, the way to deal with that is, everyone knows that you're going back to redo everything because no one will be at your level, especially if you're the lead. D: Well, you can't be the lead in everything, you know. S: Just go along. D: Sure, I think I'm now more conscious of it. The first complaints I really had because of my friends way back, but I know about the issue now. J (Martin Muwaga): I had to, but you know I ignored them. So, I'm not too sure what you mean by "going along". We're on this journey of self-discovery, and we recognize certain flaws. But then there is a way it can be done. When you're dismissive, you just learn to use certain terms which are agreeable. S: To achieve things beyond individual human potential, my whole work is actually to collaborate across practice areas and with the government. You just sit there and listen to everyone, and you're agreeable. And then, you figure out what is useful and what is not. That's the essence of collaboration. You start from the broad perspective where you just listen. As you go higher, the circle becomes smaller and you can become assertive. But you can't be very assertive at the bottom. D: Yeah, well, I'm grateful that I have a better understanding of that aspect of me now. And you know, I think I got the best understanding after reading the responses, the reviews by students. I think those clarified everything. Because then that was a huge, dealing with hundreds of actual anonymous descriptions... __ Certainly! Here is the edited dialogue: S: You first get their feedback. Ask them questions, then continue and be ready to change courses. J: I don't even know how one can teach that. Anyway, back to this thing. To me, I think your support is something I don't know. We have to move to the rest, but what you say is just so profound. So if you could give it just a few extra moments. Do you think, with these insights that you have, D: Is there a way you could actively show that you're working on this feedback? And people are aware that they can say that, something different we are saying because it's one thing you having it and you just internalizing it. But then your contemporaries cannot necessarily see those actions. J: Do you see what I'm trying to say? I see a fight. Yes, that's a good thing. I'm gonna do something that I've never done before in my life. D: I'm going out to. I don't call my friends. I don't call you guys. I usually receive calls. You can attest to that. I never call. But when someone calls, yeah, that's with family. I think a few days ago someone said, you need to start calling. That's it, everyone calls me. I never call. D: Same with my friends. So one thing I'm going to try to do differently, and I'm not going to try, I'm just going to do, is to reach out more. Wow! Oh, this is my journal, right? So I don't know. Yeah. D: So what I'm trying to say is I'll be going out, equivalent to making calls, to check on you guys, update you, and catch up. I need to do that with my colleagues. D: That's with the Department of Surgery. The head of some of the bosses wanted to reach out to me just wanted to meet me to chat about something, so that's too busy. D: I guess they call me spontaneously. Yeah. And I was like, my schedule is full, but I need to actively go to see them out and say, just wanted to meet and discuss. D: I'll go with an open mind. So that's number one for the higher-ups. Then my colleagues, I'm going to start communicating more frequently just to check on them. Ask them how I could be helpful. This is something my mentor said, You know. D: Yeah, just ask people how you could be helpful. Well, for my students, that one I've already started working on. And this concept is what's guiding me. D: You know, considering the challenge levels that I present to them. Because if I give it, if I'm aggressive, I'm creating a very hostile environment. High challenge levels. I think of me. And if you don't have the skills for that, your low skill for that, you've been the zone, you know, high challenge environment, you'll be anxious to some other thing. P: But how do these kids make it into Hopkins? Yet they had such crazy GPAs. Can they deal with pressure? D: Very good question. I'm with students from all of America's top universities, and you'll be amazed that they come. Even in those great places, there's a distribution. There's a mean and a standard deviation and so, I don't see anything extraordinary. I mentioned this to you. I've been at Johns Hopkins for 17 years, and there's nothing extraordinary about the people here. D: And I always ask what makes an institution outstanding. They'll tell you it's money in America. For those interested in European football, there is a team called Liverpool. They did something extraordinary in 2005 at the Champions League level that they did again about 5 years ago. D: Now the footballers were not the same, but the money was. It's the same organization. But there's something indescribable in their DNA. Most people are not extraordinary. There's just a few. My mentor is one of the few extraordinary people I've met. Definitely, absolutely outstanding. D: Students that I have, are some of the smartest I've ever met. S: These abilities, but that extraordinaryness can only be amplified through the collaboration because of those people skills. Your boss comes to town, and they're like, "Who has been in the office on Monday?" And yet we're not supposed to be in the office. S: Everyone was volunteering. It's politics. Everyone, because there is something to be gained by having proximity to your student at all these levels. Actually, I like how you've done it to everyone. S: Especially the upper echelon, because you learn so much about how they engage their students. You learn from them. D: You have to go out and drink with the students sometimes, and that one is out of the question. Many of the trainees are girls and hanging out in certain crowds can be too dangerous. That's a skill I really need to work on. D: You know. S: I'm involved in partnerships, skepticism, and senior advice. It's going to be based in DC, which helped me. I received an email on my way back from Paris about a job that was moved and updated. They added the aspect of innovation and mentioned I had interviewed for it. Apparently, I was one of the top candidates, and they wanted to interview me again. I asked for a week to prepare, and I was able to do so. My dissertation on building partnerships and developing innovative financial models was useful. I had a Skype interview with the resident for East Africa. That day, I spoke with mom, and Kevin and Lauren prayed for me. I was somewhat overwhelmed but faced the interview confidently. I've had many job interviews in Nairobi before, and I noticed that the dynamics change when there's a Kenyan on the panel. This time, however, there was no Kenyan, only very high-level individuals. Despite the challenging interview, I received an email the next day asking for references. They wanted two former supervisors and one professional network contact. I provided them, and now my references are being checked. I'm praying because I want this job. J: Those jobs may not seem glamorous on a day-to-day basis, but the UN offers benefits and security. In Uganda, every middle-class or wealthy individual is just one health emergency away from financial ruin. I've prayed for a job at the UN that will take care of me as I age. I'm a single mom now. They raised the retirement age to 67. That is a significant change. I don't care who the other candidate is, I want to be there. Expressing gratitude is essential. Going to Freetown was a challenge. It's a long journey, and the city isn't as inviting as one might expect. It was difficult, but my mission was simple: help Brenda settle down, identify an apartment, and get a doctor who can move her around because she needs help with multitasking. We found a nice apartment on top of the town, and for that, we are grateful. Let's keep praying. My father-in-law is unwell. He collapsed during a walk around Mutungo due to a clot. He had to be rushed to the hospital. D: This sounds serious. He underwent surgery in 2017. However, I don't know if he's been taking any prescribed medicine since then. P: But he was. I don't recall it being Jay. My M is at a disadvantage, isn't she? She told me what was going on, and she was very clear. She was saying that this man is getting him into too much trouble, and I think you may want to reconsider. J: Exactly. But, mommy, my dad is not going to say it's mommy. He knows exactly where it came from. He knows where the command came from, but I think that he told Kudi, even at some point that I suspect that Jenny is coordinating behind. Oh, yes, yes, they told us way back, mommy told me and said, I don't want you to. S: I think. May I bring attention to it before all of you guys? D: He said, what amazes me is the consistency of your personality from challenge? You're not excited by much. Anyone who approaches you with excitement is likely to end up disappointed and frustrated. A straightforward observer. This is the most consistent. Call me. I'm different from my friends, the girls, the boys can never say that I'm not a hundred percent consistent. But I wouldn't say that. How come I have the best conversations with you? Well, I mean, that's interesting. Because interactions are, you know, unique. How unique? Yeah. So the but that one I would I, Christopher, saying, you know, you are completely emotionless. Yeah, the only people you know, people whose emotion you care about are Bach and Beethoven. And S: Yeah, yeah, I think. But do any of those girls come to you also discussing BA. And philosophy and trying to learn from me? No one studies classical music, you know. No, no, okay, any philosophy, anything, one that honestly, there are people who, if they don't stimulate that part of your brain. Oh, yeah, it's just that you mentioned. Because and I have In a way, I'm not okay. I'll admit that we, we should. We share a lot in common, by the way, and you're the only person you're the only person who recommends a movie to me or a TV show. I know you're the only person like and anyone else will be suggesting something I don't shake my head so like, so that that my point is when it comes to letting go. You know relations. Then, if I talk to a man and he's and that's why I think Derek was very. You know he could become anything, you know. and he said Genius in that he can sound like a very smart person. Yeah, I I I would not be interested or in a conversation with the man on the opposite side. Naturally. intelligent, you know, they someone has to stimulate my, my, my brain, not just my brain first. Oh, this guy I I just told you in the beginning. I had to look at this speak, and then he was some so kind of like, Wow, he's smart. Then we can have a conversation. I guys. P: That is true. Yeah. D: Well, that is true. Today I've been documenting your progress. And so I don't know if you're done. We we we we are done, and so we will have to wrap up in about J: I can stop recording, and then. ```







