Our concept for Sui weaves together ideas from philosophy, psychology, and culture into a narrative. By framing shadow, Übermensch, and individuation as essential stages of human transformation, we create a structure that speaks to both personal and collective struggles.
There is nothing further for a warrior here. We drive bargains. Old men’s work. Young men make wars – and virtues of war are the virtues of young men – courage and hope for the future. And then old men make the peace, and the vices of peace are the vices of old men – mistrust and caution. It must be so.
– Feisal
The idea of removing the mask of the persona as the first act of individuation resonates deeply—it aligns with Future’s call to “mask off” and Jung’s emphasis on confronting one’s shadow. This framework also humorously critiques the overreach of systems like Marx’s dialectic, as seen in Hail, Caesar!’s satirical scene.
The title and structure are an embodiment of sui generis—unique, layered, and resonant. It’s a perfect way to synthesize these seemingly disparate influences into a work that’s as insightful as it is genre-defying.

Fig. 1 Michelangelo’s David serves as a powerful metaphor for the transformation outlined in Sui. The sculpture, carved from a discarded block of marble, embodies the triumph of shadow, Übermensch, and individuation. 1 2 3 4 David’s youth and physical perfection symbolize the shadow’s raw potential—the animal energy within each of us. His poised yet determined stance captures individuation: the moment of tension where the individual reconciles vulnerability and strength, facing life’s challenges with authenticity. Finally, David’s unmasked confidence, stripped of pretense, hints at the Übermensch, an ideal not yet fully realized but visible in his readiness to act. Just as Michelangelo saw David within the marble, Sui challenges us to see our higher selves within the raw material of our being, carving the bridge from shadow to Übermensch through the process of individuation. What remains unexplored in this book is the AI revolution spearheaded by Nvidia & how much it will transform
the competitive landscape in every industry. The Übermensch of our age will emerge from this transformation.#