House of Dragon#

mv [a-zA-Z]* 4-dionysian/

Absolutely, the three dragon eggs in Game of Thrones Season 1 serve as a crucial plot device. These seemingly inert objects catalyze the transformation of Daenerys Targaryen from a pawn in her brother’s quest for power into a powerful, independent leader. Initially given as a wedding gift, the eggs symbolize potential and hope. Their eventual hatching marks a significant turning point, reintroducing dragons—a force of immense power and historical significance—into the world. This event not only legitimizes Daenerys’ claim to the throne but also dramatically shifts the balance of power in the series. Thus, the eggs are not mere props but integral to the narrative and character development.

                        1. Chaos
                  2. Frenzy ->   4. Dionysian -> 5. Algorithm -> 6. Binary
                                 3. Energy

Biological: Connecting Dots 1, 2, 3#

  • Today on the throne

  • Historically on the throne

  • Prehistorically on the throne: dragon

Social: Greatness 4#

  • GPT of all this into dynamic GoT

Personal: Dogma-Free 5, 6#

  • Oracles, king-makers, wise-men, coutiers, intrigue, ambiguities, selfishness

  • Behavioral patterns across the seasons of GoT

                           1. Hungry
                    2. Foolish ->   4. Greatness -> 5. Dogma-Free -> 6. Intuition
                                    3. Love