And as he errs, doting on Hermia’s eyes
So I, admiring of his qualities.
Things base and vile, holding no quantity
Love can transpose to form and dignity
… Nor hath love’s mind of any judgment taste
Palates evolve from infancy to adulthood and late age
One thus needs evolving challenges to match them
Worthy adversaries to test and engage these tastes
The embrace of more remote overtones of the harmonic series
La Distinction or Qualities of Taste, Judgment and Capital
DIO. Enough of both your odes.
AESCH. Enough for me. Now would I bring the fellow to the scales. That,
that alone, shall test our poetry now, And prove whose words are
weightiest, his or mine.
DIO. Then both come hither, since I needs must weigh
The art poetic like a pound of cheese.