
16,447 as of 09/16/2023

1. Control 1,2 (drop NHANEs Ikilezi)
2. Same order for figures
3. 3sections (results)

Presets, Nov 9/10th

Methods, results, bullets 

Control-1, Control-2, ALIVE
[Race-Educ-Smoke]-HCV, Smoke-HCV, Age-Sex-Race-Educ-Smoke-HCV
YPLL to Race +/- Educ, YPLL to HCV+/-Smoke, IDU risks
Access issues/Chronic disease risk, Overdose, Overdose/HIV
Chronic disease, Overdose, AIDS

1. IDU risk as heterogenous
2. HCV as a surrogate of IDU
3. Race/Education as a surrogate of SES

Relative Mortality
General Population (Age, Gender, Race adjusted)
Select sample from general population 
Similar to ALIVE, but not HCV infected
Impact of SES
HCV (30% with HIV)
Impact of IDU