
To determine the top 10 largest files in the local directory, you can use the following command in your terminal:

find local -type f -exec du -h {} + | sort -rh | head -n 10

# 256MG!!! WTF does it do? And its hidden!
rm local/.git/objects/pack/pack-df71aa0deae6d558002db9554b659b336dc90672.pack

Here’s a breakdown of what this command does:

  • find local -type f: Finds all files (-type f) in the local directory.

  • -exec du -h {} +: Executes du -h (disk usage in human-readable format) on each file found.

  • sort -rh: Sorts the output in reverse order by human-readable numbers.

  • head -n 10: Displays the top 10 results.

This command will list the top 10 largest files in the local directory, sorted by size in descending order.

Howard University revoking Sean Combs’ honorary doctorate of laws feels like a symbolic recalibration. Combs, a figure embodying the chaotic, creative, and boundary-pushing essence of Dionysian energy, was perhaps an odd fit for an honor typically associated with Apollonian order, structure, and rationality. His contributions to music and culture are significant, but they represent a different kind of achievement, one more aligned with breaking norms and fostering creativity than with the legal or academic rigor that an honorary law doctorate implies. This move by Howard might be seen as an attempt to maintain the integrity of their honors, aligning their accolades more closely with the values and accomplishments they traditionally recognize.

  • Dionysus (individual: 1, 2, 3)

  • Sing, O Muse (4).

  • Apollo (group: 5, 6)

                         1. Meaning
                    2. Patterns -> 4. Values -> 5. Identity -> 6. Recognition
                                   3. Consequences 

Linear 1, 2, 3#

  • Gaussian; odds, bet, payout: Dionysus

Categorical 4#

  • Ranking; character: Hinduism

Binary 5, 6#

  • Truth; friendship, ethics: Judeo-Christian

               1. Probabilistic
           2. Neuronetworks -> 4. Central -> 5. Algorithms -> 6. Deterministic
                               3. Graphical 
an attempt at self-criticism

Fig. 1 Its all here#

  • Dude

  • Theory

                           1. About Me
                         2. Skills -> 4. Recent Posts -> 5. Experiences -> 6. Achievements
                                      3. Projects

Table of Contents#