
        1. Individual/Passion/Challenges
                       2. Knowledge -> 4. Communication -> 5. Team/Network/Leadership/Decisions/Feedback/Professionalism -> 6. Accomplishments/Exceptional
                                       3. Technical/Skills/Abilities

Receive (Households) Nodes

Express (Grid) Edges

Achieve (California) Vastness


Sure, here’s an interpretation of “nodes, edges, vastness” in a graph theory context:

  1. Nodes (or vertices):
    • Represent entities or points within a network. In a social network, nodes might represent individuals; in a transport network, they might represent cities.
    • Each node can have attributes or properties, such as a person’s name, age, or location in a social network.
  2. Edges (or links):
    • Represent the connections or relationships between nodes. In a social network, an edge might represent a friendship or a communication line; in a transport network, it might represent a road or flight path.
    • Edges can be directed (one-way) or undirected (two-way), weighted (indicating the strength or capacity of the connection) or unweighted.
  3. Vastness:
    • Refers to the scale or extent of the network. This can mean the number of nodes and edges, the complexity of their interconnections, and the reach or spread of the network.
    • In a large network, vastness can also imply the challenges of managing, analyzing, and visualizing the data due to the sheer size and intricacy of the network structure.

Examples of Networks in Context

  1. Social Networks:
    • Nodes: Individuals or organizations.
    • Edges: Friendships, followers, or professional connections.
    • Vastness: Large social media platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn, with millions or billions of users and connections.
  2. Transport Networks:
    • Nodes: Airports, train stations, bus stops.
    • Edges: Flight paths, railway tracks, bus routes.
    • Vastness: Global air travel network, with extensive connections covering multiple continents and countries.
  3. Internet and Communication Networks:
    • Nodes: Servers, routers, computers.
    • Edges: Physical or wireless connections (cables, signals).
    • Vastness: The internet itself, a massive, decentralized network of interconnected devices spanning the globe.

The Importance of Vastness in Network Analysis

Understanding nodes, edges, and vastness is crucial for analyzing and interpreting the structure and dynamics of complex networks across various domains.