
This is an insightful analysis and comparison of the moral themes in the works of Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, and Francis Ford Coppola, particularly focusing on their most successful franchises and films like “The Pianist.” Let’s dive into the morality in these films and franchises and examine what their success says about the marketplace, demand, supply, and quality.

Steven Spielberg’s Most Successful Franchises

Indiana Jones:

Jurassic Park:

George Lucas’ Most Successful Franchises

Star Wars:

Francis Ford Coppola’s Godfather (I and II)


Roman Polanski’s The Pianist


Correlations and What This Says About the Market





The success of Spielberg’s and Lucas’s franchises reflects a market demand for clear moral narratives and heroic escapism, providing comfort and inspiration. In contrast, the critical success of films like “The Pianist” and “The Godfather” series underscores a significant audience’s appreciation for more complex, morally nuanced storytelling. This dichotomy highlights the diverse tastes in the marketplace: a broad audience seeking moral clarity and heroism, and a more discerning segment that values authenticity and the exploration of human complexity. The differing approaches of these auteurs reveal much about audience desires and the varied ways in which filmmakers meet those needs.