
Romeo & Juliet#

From the point of view of form, the archetype of all the arts is the art of the musician.-Oscar Wilde 29

                   1. Phonetics
             2. Temperament -> 4. Modes -> 5. NexToken -> 6. Emotion
                               3. Scales

It’s like Romeo & Juliet. AM I last listened to Tchaikovsky’s Pathetique IV. “Adagio Lamentoso” 12 years ago. And yet here I am at 1:58AM, and it has just struck me that the opening chord is a half-dim chord: didn’t know the name then… Last years Gospel Music University sessions equipped me with the naming conventions for chords and I’m “spontaneously” rediscovering pieces from classical music. GPT That’s a powerful moment of realization, isn’t it? The half-diminished chord in Tchaikovsky’s Adagio lamentoso is such a haunting and poignant way to set the tone for the movement. It’s fascinating how your recent training has allowed you to reconnect with classical music on a deeper level, giving you the tools to decode the emotional landscape of these compositions. Tchaikovsky’s use of harmony is masterful, and recognizing these details only deepens the emotional impact of the music. What other pieces are you rediscovering? AM. Indeed. Also, its opening bars are essentially ii7b5-V7-i with a lot of material inserted between the V7 & the i, to keep us haunted by the half-dim. Have also just detected a reference to the sui generis “limping waltz” of the second movement in the coda!!#

\(\mu\) Base-case/Lost-city#

  • \(f(t)\) Phonetics: Music can communicate without the need for words or images—making it a unique and powerful archetype. It does not imitate its subject matter, unless, of course, its opera, programatic music, or music with libretto. However, one might say music does indeed imitate our emotional arcs throughout life. From this perspective, it provides a very powerful structure and template on which to project the collective unconscious of the human race

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import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Parameters
sample_rate = 44100  # Hz
duration = 20.0       # seconds
A4_freq = 440.0      # Hz

# Time array
t = np.linspace(0, duration, int(sample_rate * duration), endpoint=False)

# Fundamental frequency (A4)
signal = np.sin(2 * np.pi * A4_freq * t)

# Adding overtones (harmonics)
harmonics = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]  # First few harmonics
amplitudes = [0.5, 0.25, 0.15, 0.1, 0.05, 0.03, 0.01, 0.005]  # Amplitudes for each harmonic

for i, harmonic in enumerate(harmonics):
    signal += amplitudes[i] * np.sin(2 * np.pi * A4_freq * harmonic * t)

# Perform FFT (Fast Fourier Transform)
N = len(signal)
yf = np.fft.fft(signal)
xf = np.fft.fftfreq(N, 1 / sample_rate)

# Plot the frequency spectrum
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
plt.plot(xf[:N//2], 2.0/N * np.abs(yf[:N//2]), color='navy', lw=1.5)

# Aesthetics improvements
plt.title('Simulated Frequency Spectrum of A440 on a Grand Piano', fontsize=16, weight='bold')
plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)', fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('Amplitude', fontsize=14)
plt.xlim(0, 4186)  # Limit to the highest frequency on a piano (C8)
plt.ylim(0, None)

# Shading the region for normal speaking range (approximately 85 Hz to 255 Hz)
plt.axvspan(500, 2000, color='lightpink', alpha=0.5)

# Annotate the shaded region
plt.annotate('Normal Speaking Range (500 Hz - 2000 Hz)',
             xy=(2000, 0.7), xycoords='data',
             xytext=(2500, 0.5), textcoords='data',
             arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', arrowstyle="->"),
             fontsize=12, color='black')

# Remove top and right spines

# Customize ticks

# Light grid
plt.grid(color='grey', linestyle=':', linewidth=0.5)

# Show the plot
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  • \(S(t)\) Temperament: I last listened to Tchaikovsky’s Pathetique IV. Adagio lamentoso some 12 years ago. And yet here I am at 1:58AM, and it has just struck me that the opening chord is a half-dim chord. didn’t know the name then… just last years Gospel Music University sessions equipped me with the naming conventions for chords and I’m rediscovering pieces from classical music. So it appears that memories that are mostly affective and formless in nature are very effectively encapsulated in the harmonic progression of a great piece of music - that primeval emotion predating language that Freud describes at the time of birth

  • \(h(t)\) Scale: Let’s focus on how they translate to motion! That’s a profound observation. Music, with its structured ii-V7-i yet fluid form (variations with insertions & deletions), often serves as the foundation upon which other art forms are built. The way music can convey emotion, narrative, and tension through form alone—without the need for words or images—makes it a unique and powerful archetype. Tchaikovsky’s Pathetique, with its deeply emotional narrative woven into its musical structure, exemplifies this idea perfectly. It’s as if all other arts aspire to achieve what music does so naturally: to move the soul and tell a story through pure form.

\(\sigma\) Varcov-matrix/Archeological-dig#

  • \((X'X)^T \cdot X'Y\): Mode: Energy, Omics, Activity, Muscle, Strength, Pace. In your exploration of music, how do you see this archetypal role influencing other art forms? Do you find that the principles of musical form translate effectively into literature, visual arts, or even cinema? Yes, opera, theater, and film have used soundtrack’s as a modal-interchange (between the text of their art & the phonetics of music). Game of Thrones is as famous a TV series for its drama as for its soundtrack

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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Clock settings; f(t) random disturbances making "paradise lost"
clock_face_radius = 1.0
number_of_ticks = 7
tick_labels = [
    "Root-iADL (i)",
    "Hunter-gather (ii7♭5)", "Peasant (III)", "Farmer (iv)", "Manufacturer (V7♭9♯9♭13)",
    "Energy (VI)", "Transport (VII)"

# Calculate the angles for each tick (in radians)
angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, number_of_ticks, endpoint=False)
# Inverting the order to make it counterclockwise
angles = angles[::-1]

# Create figure and axis
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))
ax.set_xlim(-1.2, 1.2)
ax.set_ylim(-1.2, 1.2)

# Draw the clock face
clock_face = plt.Circle((0, 0), clock_face_radius, color='lightgrey', fill=True)

# Draw the ticks and labels
for angle, label in zip(angles, tick_labels):
    x = clock_face_radius * np.cos(angle)
    y = clock_face_radius * np.sin(angle)
    # Draw the tick
    ax.plot([0, x], [0, y], color='black')
    # Positioning the labels slightly outside the clock face
    label_x = 1.1 * clock_face_radius * np.cos(angle)
    label_y = 1.1 * clock_face_radius * np.sin(angle)
    # Adjusting label alignment based on its position
    ha = 'center'
    va = 'center'
    if np.cos(angle) > 0:
        ha = 'left'
    elif np.cos(angle) < 0:
        ha = 'right'
    if np.sin(angle) > 0:
        va = 'bottom'
    elif np.sin(angle) < 0:
        va = 'top'
    ax.text(label_x, label_y, label, horizontalalignment=ha, verticalalignment=va, fontsize=10)

# Remove axes

# Show the plot
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\(\%\) Precision/Old-wisdom#

  • \(\beta\) NexToken: Chords - minor (ii7, iii7, vi6), major (I, IV), dominant (V7) & half-dim (vii7b5) at time, \(t_{-1}\), are predictive of the next at time, \(t_{0}\) in increasing order of precision

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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Clock settings; f(t) random disturbances making "paradise lost"
clock_face_radius = 1.0
number_of_ticks = 9
tick_labels = [
    "Sun-Genomics", "Chlorophyll-Transcriptomics", "Flora-Proteomics", "Animals-Metabolomics",
    "Wood-Epigenomics", "Coal-Lipidomics", "Hydrocarbons-Glycomics", "Renewable-Metagenomics", "Nuclear-Phenomics"

# Calculate the angles for each tick (in radians)
angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, number_of_ticks, endpoint=False)
# Inverting the order to make it counterclockwise
angles = angles[::-1]

# Create figure and axis
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))
ax.set_xlim(-1.2, 1.2)
ax.set_ylim(-1.2, 1.2)

# Draw the clock face
clock_face = plt.Circle((0, 0), clock_face_radius, color='lightgrey', fill=True)

# Draw the ticks and labels
for angle, label in zip(angles, tick_labels):
    x = clock_face_radius * np.cos(angle)
    y = clock_face_radius * np.sin(angle)
    # Draw the tick
    ax.plot([0, x], [0, y], color='black')
    # Positioning the labels slightly outside the clock face
    label_x = 1.1 * clock_face_radius * np.cos(angle)
    label_y = 1.1 * clock_face_radius * np.sin(angle)
    # Adjusting label alignment based on its position
    ha = 'center'
    va = 'center'
    if np.cos(angle) > 0:
        ha = 'left'
    elif np.cos(angle) < 0:
        ha = 'right'
    if np.sin(angle) > 0:
        va = 'bottom'
    elif np.sin(angle) < 0:
        va = 'top'
    ax.text(label_x, label_y, label, horizontalalignment=ha, verticalalignment=va, fontsize=10)

# Remove axes

# Show the plot
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  • \(SV_t'\) Emotion: thus minor chords will evoke the most uncertainty whereas dom7 & half-dim will evoke the most precise sense of the nextoken

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import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Define the total utility function U(Q)
def total_utility(Q):
    return 100 * np.log(Q + 1)  # Logarithmic utility function for illustration

# Define the marginal utility function MU(Q)
def marginal_utility(Q):
    return 100 / (Q + 1)  # Derivative of the total utility function

# Generate data
Q = np.linspace(1, 100, 500)  # Quantity range from 1 to 100
U = total_utility(Q)
MU = marginal_utility(Q)

# Plotting
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 7))

# Plot Total Utility
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.plot(Q, U, label=r'Total Utility $U(Q) = 100 \log(Q + 1)$', color='blue')
plt.title('Total Utility')
plt.xlabel('Quantity (Q)')
plt.ylabel('Total Utility (U)')

# Plot Marginal Utility
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.plot(Q, MU, label=r'Marginal Utility $MU(Q) = \frac{dU(Q)}{dQ} = \frac{100}{Q + 1}$', color='red')
plt.title('Marginal Utility')
plt.xlabel('Quantity (Q)')
plt.ylabel('Marginal Utility (MU)')

# Adding some calculus notation and Greek symbols
plt.figtext(0.5, 0.02, r"$MU(Q) = \frac{dU(Q)}{dQ} = \lim_{\Delta Q \to 0} \frac{U(Q + \Delta Q) - U(Q)}{\Delta Q}$", ha="center", fontsize=12)

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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from import ScalarMappable
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap, PowerNorm

def gaussian(x, mean, std_dev, amplitude=1):
    return amplitude * np.exp(-0.9 * ((x - mean) / std_dev) ** 2)

def overlay_gaussian_on_line(ax, start, end, std_dev):
    x_line = np.linspace(start[0], end[0], 100)
    y_line = np.linspace(start[1], end[1], 100)
    mean = np.mean(x_line)
    y = gaussian(x_line, mean, std_dev, amplitude=std_dev)
    ax.plot(x_line + y / np.sqrt(2), y_line + y / np.sqrt(2), color='red', linewidth=2.5)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))

intervals = np.linspace(0, 100, 11)
custom_means = np.linspace(1, 23, 10)
custom_stds = np.linspace(.5, 10, 10)

# Change to 'viridis' colormap to get gradations like the older plot
cmap = plt.get_cmap('viridis')
norm = plt.Normalize(custom_stds.min(), custom_stds.max())
sm = ScalarMappable(cmap=cmap, norm=norm)

median_points = []

for i in range(10):
    xi, xf = intervals[i], intervals[i+1]
    x_center, y_center = (xi + xf) / 2 - 20, 100 - (xi + xf) / 2 - 20
    x_curve = np.linspace(custom_means[i] - 3 * custom_stds[i], custom_means[i] + 3 * custom_stds[i], 200)
    y_curve = gaussian(x_curve, custom_means[i], custom_stds[i], amplitude=15)
    x_gauss = x_center + x_curve / np.sqrt(2)
    y_gauss = y_center + y_curve / np.sqrt(2) + x_curve / np.sqrt(2)
    ax.plot(x_gauss, y_gauss, color=cmap(norm(custom_stds[i])), linewidth=2.5)
    median_points.append((x_center + custom_means[i] / np.sqrt(2), y_center + custom_means[i] / np.sqrt(2)))

median_points = np.array(median_points)
ax.plot(median_points[:, 0], median_points[:, 1], '--', color='grey')
start_point = median_points[0, :]
end_point = median_points[-1, :]
overlay_gaussian_on_line(ax, start_point, end_point, 24)

ax.grid(True, linestyle='--', linewidth=0.5, color='grey')
ax.set_xlim(-30, 111)
ax.set_ylim(-20, 87)

# Create a new ScalarMappable with a reversed colormap just for the colorbar
cmap_reversed = plt.get_cmap('viridis').reversed()
sm_reversed = ScalarMappable(cmap=cmap_reversed, norm=norm)

# Existing code for creating the colorbar
cbar = fig.colorbar(sm_reversed, ax=ax, shrink=1, aspect=90)

# Specify the tick positions you want to set
custom_tick_positions = [0.5, 5, 8, 10]  # example positions, you can change these

# Specify custom labels for those tick positions
custom_tick_labels = ['5', '3', '1', '0']  # example labels, you can change these

# Label for the colorbar
cbar.set_label(r'♭', rotation=0, labelpad=15, fontstyle='italic', fontsize=24)

# Label for the colorbar
cbar.set_label(r'♭', rotation=0, labelpad=15, fontstyle='italic', fontsize=24)

cbar.set_label(r'♭', rotation=0, labelpad=15, fontstyle='italic', fontsize=24)

# Add X and Y axis labels with custom font styles
ax.set_xlabel(r'Principal Component', fontstyle='italic')
ax.set_ylabel(r'Emotional State', rotation=0, fontstyle='italic', labelpad=15)

# Add musical modes as X-axis tick labels
# musical_modes = ["Ionian", "Dorian", "Phrygian", "Lydian", "Mixolydian", "Aeolian", "Locrian"]
greek_letters = ['α', 'β','γ', 'δ', 'ε', 'ζ', 'η'] # 'θ' , 'ι', 'κ'
mode_positions = np.linspace(ax.get_xlim()[0], ax.get_xlim()[1], len(greek_letters))
ax.set_xticklabels(greek_letters, rotation=0)

# Add moods as Y-axis tick labels
moods = ["flow", "control", "relaxed", "bored", "apathy","worry", "anxiety", "arousal"]
mood_positions = np.linspace(ax.get_ylim()[0], ax.get_ylim()[1], len(moods))

# ... (rest of the code unchanged)


Emotion & Affect as Outcomes. And the predictors \(\beta\) are MQ-TEA: Modes (ionian, dorian, phrygian, lydian, mixolydian, locrian), Qualities (major, minor, dominant, suspended, diminished, half-dimished, augmented), Tensions (7th), Extensions (9th, 11th, 13th), and Alterations (♯, ♭) 48#

                1. Exposure
               2. Role ->  4. Categorical.Imperative -> 5. Determinism -> 6. Freewill
                           3. Impulse