

Hide code cell source
// Set the seed for reproducibility
set seed 19680801

// Number of series
local N 10

// Generate data
set obs 100

forvalues i = 0/`=`N'-1' {
    gen series`i' = log(_n) + rnormal() + `i'

// Reshape the data for plotting
gen index = _n
reshape long series, i(index) j(variable)

// Set up the custom color scheme
local colors "red blue green orange purple brown pink yellow cyan magenta"

// Create a macro to hold the plot commands
local plotcmds ""

forvalues i = 0/`=`N'-1' {
    local color = word("`colors'", `=`i'+1')
    local plotcmds `plotcmds' (line series index if variable == `i', lcolor("`color'"))

#delimit ;
twoway `plotcmds',
    legend(order(1 "Series 1" 2 "Series 2" 3 "Series 3" 4 "Series 4" 5 "Series 5" 
                 6 "Series 6" 7 "Series 7" 8 "Series 8" 9 "Series 9" 10 "Series 10"))
    title("Logarithmic Data with Random Noise")

graph export "stata.png", width(1000) replace;
#delimit cr
Hide code cell output
Number of observations (_N) was 0, now 100.
(j = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
Data                               Wide   ->   Long
Number of observations              100   ->   1,000       
Number of variables                  11   ->   3           
j variable (10 values)                    ->   variable
xij variables:
            series0 series1 ... series9   ->   series
file /Users/hades/.stata_kernel_cache/graph0.svg saved as SVG format
file /Users/hades/.stata_kernel_cache/graph0.pdf saved as PDF format
file stata.png written in PNG format

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