Community Handbook#

This is a community handbook that discusses aspects of The Turing Way project that one can use for participating in this community.

The Turing Way is a community-led book project that involves diverse perspectives of researchers, funders, educators, learners and various stakeholders from around the world.

The Community Handbook part of this book aims to provide information about the project, ways of working, and other aspects that can make community participation equitable for our members.

We are incredibly grateful to our community members who are the readers, co-authors, contributors, collaborators, maintainers, helper and supporters.

Thank you for joining the incredible journey of The Turing Way!

A garden full of folks working on different parts of the garden. Someone is welcoming others, someone is teaching the basics, someone is writing best practices and someone is helping this community grow.

The Turing Way community illustrated as a garden. The Turing Way project illustration by Scriberia. Used under a CC-BY 4.0 licence. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3332807.#

License for The Turing Way book series#

All content in this book series is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) (CC BY 4.0) license.

The original files can be accessed online on our GitHub repository.

The Turing Way Contact Points#

The co-lead investigators for this project are Dr Kirstie Whitaker, who leads the Tools, Practices and Systems Research Programme at The Alan Turing Institute and Dr. Malvika Sharan, Senior Researcher at the Alan Turing Institute.

Anne Lee Steele is the Research Community Manager. Alexandra Araujo Alvarez is the Research Project Manager.

You can contact them on the community Slack workspace or directly by email. You can write an email to Anne Lee Steele for any question or query by using the community email or contact her directly by emailing In case you want to directly reach Malvika or Kirstie, email them at

For contact details for Code of Conduct related query and reporting, please see the Code of Conduct file in this Community Handbook.