Interactive Patient Education App

Interactive Patient Education App#

Welcome to our interactive patient education app, designed to provide personalized health information and risk assessment. This project has evolved through several iterations, each bringing significant improvements.

Evolution of the App#

  1. Origin: Forked from our creatinine calculator

  2. Version 0.0: Initial prototype

  3. Version 1.1: Text-based output

  4. Version 1.2: Introduced graphical output

  5. Version 1.3: Added step-by-step function

Current Version: 1.4#

We’re excited to present Version 1.4, which introduces several key innovations:

  1. Dynamic Data Input: The script.js now imports coefficient vectors and base-case Kaplan-Meier curves from a remote server, eliminating hardcoded calculator inputs.

  2. Enhanced Granularity: We’ve implemented a step-by-step function for each event among 80,000 clinical observations, providing more detailed and accurate results.

  3. Contextual Embedding: The app is now integrated within educational content, simulating its intended use in patient education.

Explore the App#

We invite you to explore the various sections of this interactive book. Each chapter combines educational content with practical applications of our risk assessment tool.

Your feedback is valuable to us as we continue to improve this resource for patient education and risk assessment.