Part 2: Sing O Muse#
Call option price is analogous to the difference between the
; i.e.,logHR
. In clinical medicine, we’ve kept our cumulative distribution functions non-parametric, at least for our base-case (62,000 citations: Google Scholar)
Here, \(C\) is the call option price, \(S_0\) is the current stock price, \(X\) is the strike price, \(r\) is the risk-free interest rate, \(T\) is the time to maturity, \(\sigma\) is the volatility of the stock, and \(\mathcal{N}(\cdot)\) is the cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution.
1. Chaos
2. Frenzy -> 4. Unpredictable -> 5. Algorithm -> 6. Binary
3. Random-Walk
Efficient-Market Hypothesis
Null 1, 2, 3#
: Random brownian motion as seen in digital information from Bloomberg Terminal; \(\text{H}_0:\)logHR=0
: Compute may find patterns than Eugene Fama’s mind couldn’tPouvoir
: \(\mu | \text{X}\beta\) ; \(\sigma | t\); two overlayed multivariable Kaplan-Meier’s
Sing O Muse 4#
: Estimates conditional on factors millions of orders of magnitude more than human mind “tameth”; no wonder there’s been gnashing of teeth
Alternative 5, 6#
: Some quants, programmers, and algorithms have produced better returns than the null-hypothesis over decadesAchievements
: Using super-humanAI
capabilities of machines to handle \(N^N\) parameters, Jim Simmons is the best way to summarize this
Simulated: essentially conjuring order (parameters) from chaos (random variation)
Real: can a perfect simulation be
or distinguished from real data?Missing: hypothesis elements (principle investigator), data access (clinical notes), client usage (format for patient-caregiver)
Imputation: we are doing it anyway, e.g. complete data analysis, so this lays an iterative roadmaps to better inferences
Names: the whole Donny misunderstanding Lenin for John Lennon part is just pure genius. I am the walrus hahahahah
You will find these details in the following chapters:
Show code cell source
# courtesy of
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from lifelines import KaplanMeierFitter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Load the data from the CSV file
s0_df = pd.read_csv('~/documents/rhythm/business/kitabo/ensi/data/s0_nondonor.csv', header=0)
# Create a KaplanMeierFitter object
kmf = KaplanMeierFitter()
# Fit the Kaplan-Meier estimate to the data['_t'], event_observed=s0_df['_d'])
# Get the survival probabilities
survival_probabilities = kmf.survival_function_
# Calculate the failure probabilities (1 - survival probability)
failure_probabilities = 1 - survival_probabilities
# Plot the failure curve
plt.plot(kmf.timeline, failure_probabilities)
plt.xlabel('Time (_t)')
plt.ylabel('Failure Probability')
plt.title('Failure Curve')

_st _d _t _t0 s0_nondonor
0 1 1 14.748802 0 0.788091
1 1 0 29.927446 0 0.576725
2 1 0 29.746748 0 0.578996
3 1 0 19.203285 0 0.725669
4 1 0 20.213552 0 0.711040
... ... .. ... ... ...
73563 1 0 2.214921 0 0.974868
73564 1 0 1.516769 0 0.983511
73565 1 0 1.415469 0 0.984641
73566 1 0 1.960301 0 0.978229
73567 1 0 1.100616 0 0.988551
[73568 rows x 5 columns]
Beta Coefficients#
b_df = pd.read_csv('~/documents/rhythm/business/kitabo/ensi/data/b_nondonor.csv', header=0)
A B C D E F G H I J ... AW \
0 0 0.361154 0 0.299617 0 -0.139638 0 0.124114 0.438236 0 ... 0
0 0.178476 1.200497 0.074832 0.004682 -0.003239 0.000075 -0.00227
0 0.000005 0.000021
[1 rows x 58 columns]
import pandas as pd
# Define the meaningless headers and data provided
columns = [
"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z",
"AA", "AB", "AC", "AD", "AE", "AF", "AG", "AH", "AI", "AJ", "AK", "AL", "AM", "AN", "AO", "AP", "AQ", "AR", "AS", "AT", "AU",
"AV", "AW", "AX", "AY", "AZ", "BA", "BB", "BC", "BD", "BE", "BF"
data = [
0, 0.3611540640749626, 0, 0.2996174782817143, 0, -0.1396380267801064, 0, 0.1241139571516237, 0.438236411976324, 0,
-0.059895226414333, 0, 0.3752078798205875, 0, 0.0927075946775824, -0.0744371973326359, 0.1240852498460039, -0.0176059111708996,
-0.0684981196640994, -0.1339078132620516, -0.1688485989105275, -0.1749309513874832, -0.232756397671939, 0.0548690007396233,
0.0072862860322084, -0.3660394524818282, -0.4554416752427064, -0.1691931796222081, -0.0781079363323375, 0.368728384689242, 0,
-0.5287614160906285, -0.5829729708389515, 0, -0.1041236831513535, -0.5286676823325914, -0.2297292995090682, -0.1657466825095737,
0, 0.2234811404289921, 0.5530365583277806, -43.66976587951415, 0.6850541632181936, 0.3546286547464611, 0.2927117177058185,
0.2910135188333163, 0.1551116553040275, 0.1682748362958531, 0, 0.1784756812804011, 1.200496862053446, 0.0748319011956608,
0.0046824977599823, -0.0032389485781854, 0.0000754693150546, -0.0022698686486925, 5.11669774511e-06, 0.0000213400932172
# Create a DataFrame
b_df = pd.DataFrame([data], columns=columns)
# Define the variable names provided
variable_names = [
"diabetes_no", "diabetes_yes", "insulin_no", "insulin_yes", "dia_pill_no", "dia_pill_yes",
"hypertension_no", "hypertension_yes", "hypertension_dont_know", "hbp_pill_no", "hbp_pill_yes",
"smoke_no", "smoke_yes", "income_adjusted_ref", "income_adjusted_5000-9999", "income_adjusted_10000-14999",
"income_adjusted_15000", "income_adjusted_20000", "income_adjusted_25000", "income_adjusted_35000",
"income_adjusted_45000", "income_adjusted_55000", "income_adjusted_65000-74999", "income_adjusted_>20000",
"income_adjusted_<20000", "income_adjusted_14", "income_adjusted_15", "refused_to_answer", "dont_know",
"gender_female", "gender_male", "race_white", "race_mexican_american", "race_other_hispanic",
"race_non_hispanic_black", "race_other", "hs_good", "hs_excellent", "hs_very_good", "hs_fair", "hs_poor",
"hs_refused", "hs_8", "hs_dont_know", "education_ref_none", "education_k8", "education_some_high_school",
"education_high_school", "education_some_college", "education_more_than_college", "education_refused",
"age_centered", "boxcar_new_centered", "bmi_centered", "egfr_centered", "uacr_centered", "ghp"
# Add an additional label to match the number of columns in the DataFrame
# Apply the variable names to the DataFrame
b_df.columns = variable_names
# Display the DataFrame
diabetes_no diabetes_yes insulin_no insulin_yes dia_pill_no \
0 0 0.361154 0 0.299617 0
dia_pill_yes hypertension_no hypertension_yes hypertension_dont_know \
0 -0.139638 0 0.124114 0.438236
hbp_pill_no ... education_some_college education_more_than_college \
0 0 ... 0 0.178476
education_refused age_centered boxcar_new_centered bmi_centered \
0 1.200497 0.074832 0.004682 -0.003239
egfr_centered uacr_centered ghp extra_label
0 0.000075 -0.00227 0.000005 0.000021
[1 rows x 58 columns]
Scenario Vector#
SV_df = pd.read_csv('~/documents/rhythm/business/kitabo/ensi/data/SV_nondonor.csv', header=0)
SV_nondonor1 SV_nondonor2 SV_nondonor3 SV_nondonor4 SV_nondonor5 \
0 1 0 1 0 0
SV_nondonor6 SV_nondonor7 SV_nondonor8 SV_nondonor9 SV_nondonor10 ... \
0 1 1 0 0 1 ...
SV_nondonor49 SV_nondonor50 SV_nondonor51 SV_nondonor52 SV_nondonor53 \
0 0 1 0 -20 0
SV_nondonor54 SV_nondonor55 SV_nondonor56 SV_nondonor57 SV_nondonor58
0 0 0 30 0 0
[1 rows x 58 columns]
Show code cell source
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Step 1: Read the CSV files
SV_df = pd.read_csv('~/documents/rhythm/business/kitabo/ensi/data/SV_nondonor.csv', header=0)
coefficients_df = pd.read_csv('~/documents/rhythm/business/kitabo/ensi/data/b_nondonor.csv', header=0)
s0_df = pd.read_csv('~/documents/rhythm/business/kitabo/ensi/data/s0_nondonor.csv', header=0)
# Step 2: Apply the variable names to the scenario vector and coefficient vector
variable_names = [
"diabetes_no", "diabetes_yes", "insulin_no", "insulin_yes", "dia_pill_no", "dia_pill_yes",
"hypertension_no", "hypertension_yes", "hypertension_dont_know", "hbp_pill_no", "hbp_pill_yes",
"smoke_no", "smoke_yes", "income_adjusted_ref", "income_adjusted_5000-9999", "income_adjusted_10000-14999",
"income_adjusted_15000", "income_adjusted_20000", "income_adjusted_25000", "income_adjusted_35000",
"income_adjusted_45000", "income_adjusted_55000", "income_adjusted_65000-74999", "income_adjusted_>20000",
"income_adjusted_<20000", "income_adjusted_14", "income_adjusted_15", "refused_to_answer", "dont_know",
"gender_female", "gender_male", "race_white", "race_mexican_american", "race_other_hispanic",
"race_non_hispanic_black", "race_other", "hs_good", "hs_excellent", "hs_very_good", "hs_fair", "hs_poor",
"hs_refused", "hs_8", "hs_dont_know", "education_ref_none", "education_k8", "education_some_high_school",
"education_high_school", "education_some_college", "education_more_than_college", "education_refused",
"age_centered", "boxcar_new_centered", "bmi_centered", "egfr_centered", "uacr_centered", "ghp"
SV_df.columns = variable_names
coefficients_df.columns = variable_names
# Step 3: Compute the scenario survival probabilities
scenario = SV_df.iloc[0].values
coefficients = coefficients_df.iloc[0].values
log_hazard_ratio =, coefficients)
baseline_hazard = -np.log(s0_df['s0_nondonor'])
scenario_hazard = baseline_hazard * np.exp(log_hazard_ratio)
# Step 4: Convert survival probabilities to failure probabilities
baseline_failure = 1 - s0_df['s0_nondonor']
scenario_failure = 1 - np.exp(-scenario_hazard)
# Step 5: Plot the failure functions
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(s0_df['_t'], baseline_failure, label='Base-case Failure Function', linestyle='--')
plt.plot(s0_df['_t'], scenario_failure, label='Scenario Failure Function', linestyle='-')
plt.ylabel('Failure Probability')
plt.title('Kaplan-Meier Failure Functions for Base-case and Scenario')

Sure, let’s make it more engaging and detailed. Here’s a clinical summary of the patient based on the given scenario vector:
Clinical Notes:#
This risk personalization is for a 60-year-old woman, given the centering age of 60 years.
Diabetes: She does not have diabetes.
Insulin Usage: She does not use insulin.
Diabetes Pill Usage: She takes diabetes pills.
Hypertension: She has hypertension.
High Blood Pressure Medication: She is on medication for high blood pressure.
Smoking Status: She does not smoke.
Income Level: She belongs to the reference income group, which indicates a baseline category for income.
Gender: Female.
Race: She is of Mexican American descent.
Health Status: Her health status is reported as excellent.
Education Level: She has a K-8 education level.
Body Mass Index (BMI): Centered around the population mean.
Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR): Centered around the population mean.
Urine Albumin-to-Creatinine Ratio (UACR): Centered around the population mean.
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) Levels: Centered around the population mean.
Additional Details:#
Refused to answer other questions related to income levels beyond the reference category.
Age-Centered Adjustments: The patient’s specific clinical metrics (BMI, eGFR, UACR) are centered around the average values for a 60-year-old, indicating adjustments have been made to personalize risk based on age-related norms.
Clinical Implications:#
This patient profile suggests a middle-aged woman who is generally in good health, well-managed in terms of her hypertension and diabetes, and has a background of modest education and income. The personalized risk assessment aims to provide a more accurate prediction based on her specific demographic and clinical characteristics.
This summary should help understand the risk profile for this individual and guide personalized clinical decisions.
To set up a tidy workflow for updating your app whenever you receive new sets of CSV files, you can follow these steps:
Organize your file structure: Ensure your project has a clear structure for data, scripts, and deployment.
Create a script to automate the update process: Write a script that will read the new CSV files, process the data, and update your app.
Use a version control system (Git): Track changes and manage updates using Git.
Deploy the updated app: Automate the deployment process using tools like GitHub Pages or a CI/CD pipeline.
Directory Structure#
Ensure your directory structure looks like this:
├── data/
│ ├── SV_nondonor.csv
│ ├── b_nondonor.csv
│ └── s0_nondonor.csv
├── part2/
│ └── app/
│ ├── assets/
│ │ └── js/
│ │ └── script.js
│ ├── index.html
│ └──
├── requirements.txt
Step-by-Step Workflow#
Write a Python script to update the data:
Create a
script to read the CSV files, process the data, and update the necessary JavaScript files.
import pandas as pd
import os
# Paths to the CSV files
data_dir = 'data'
sv_file = os.path.join(data_dir, 'SV_nondonor.csv')
b_file = os.path.join(data_dir, 'b_nondonor.csv')
s0_file = os.path.join(data_dir, 's0_nondonor.csv')
# Read the CSV files
sv_df = pd.read_csv(sv_file)
b_df = pd.read_csv(b_file)
s0_df = pd.read_csv(s0_file)
# Process the data if needed
# For example, if you need to format or clean the data, you can do it here
# Update JavaScript files with new data
js_file_path = 'part2/app/assets/js/script.js'
# Function to update the JavaScript file
def update_js_file(js_file_path, sv_df, b_df, s0_df):
with open(js_file_path, 'r') as file:
js_content =
# Update the JS file content with the new data
sv_data = sv_df.to_csv(index=False, header=False).replace('\n', '\\n')
b_data = b_df.to_csv(index=False, header=False).replace('\n', '\\n')
s0_data = s0_df.to_csv(index=False, header=False).replace('\n', '\\n')
js_content = js_content.replace(
"const scenarioVector = [0, 0, 1]; // Default to general population scenario",
f"const scenarioVector = [{sv_data}]; // Updated scenario vector"
js_content = js_content.replace(
"let beta = [];",
f"let beta = [{b_data}]; // Updated beta coefficients"
js_content = js_content.replace(
"let s0 = [];",
f"let s0 = [{s0_data}]; // Updated survival data"
with open(js_file_path, 'w') as file:
# Update the JavaScript file
update_js_file(js_file_path, sv_df, b_df, s0_df)
print("JavaScript file updated successfully.")
Set up version control (Git):
Initialize a Git repository and commit your changes.
cd ensi
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
Automate deployment with GitHub Pages or CI/CD:
You can use GitHub Actions to automate the deployment process whenever there’s a new commit to the repository. Create a GitHub Actions workflow file in .github/workflows/deploy.yml
name: Deploy to GitHub Pages
- main
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: '3.x'
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
- name: Update data
run: python
- name: Deploy to GitHub Pages
uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
publish_dir: ./part2/app
Commit and push your changes:
git add .
git commit -m "Set up automated deployment"
git push origin main
Whenever you receive new CSV files:
Replace the old CSV files in the
directory with the new ones.Run the
script to process the new data and update the JavaScript files.Commit and push the changes to GitHub.
git add .
git commit -m "Update data files"
git push origin main
This workflow ensures that your app is always updated with the latest data and deployed automatically.

Fig. 4 Power dynamics :)#

Fig. 5 As Time Goes By Compelling sheet music insofar as it sounds like the original performance#